
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Gerhardt |
of Justice - When this card was first announced in
the Scourge spoiler, many thought it to be
interesting, but wondered if its use would be
realistic. Well, Justice has apparently found its
place in current decks, because it is now one of
our better selling cards. Its cycling ability
makes the card infinitely better than having its
main ability alone. Now you have a choice
according to your need.
In limited, the
ability to cycle early to draw a card, or cycle
mid to draw and make soldiers, or play late to
make lotsa flying 4/4 angels... good times. Very
playable for white and a game winner late game.
Limited: 4.75
Current Price:

Decree of Justice
Well, to start off
Decree week, we get what is probably the best of
the Decrees. Not for its actual ability, mind
you (although most of these won't get cast
straight up anyway), but for its cycling
ability. At the end of your opponent's turn, you
can pay 2W+X, and get X 1/1 soldiers, fresh and
ready for duty as soon as you can untap. The
more mana the merrier. There's a reason why the
Wake decks now use this as their kill card ...
both for its instant speed and because of all
the mana they can make.
In limited, you're
more likely to see the Angels come out, as the
Angels have flying, which can break through any
stalemate. If you have this, I dare say you find
a reason to go white.
Constructed: 4.75
Limited: 5
Tyler Grund |
Decree of Justice
Of all the Decree cards in the Onslaught Block,
this one is probably the
most used, and possibly the most powerful. In
both Block and type 2
constructed, this card rules the environment. In
Block you have Mono-white
and R/W control decks that find using this card's
instant speed production
of little white weenies to attack soon after
arriving. In Type 2 Wake decks
are still strong building up enormous amounts of
mana using Miriari's Wake
and land grab then either flat casting the cycling
ablity for 10+ 2/2's or
using Mirari (the artifact) to double it creating
20+ 2/2s. with an army
like that at the end of the opponent's turn, only
a small handfull of cards
can do anything to stop the horde from taking them
down the turn you attack.
(namely Starstorm:)
The Justice has a hardcast ability that will see
little to no play
whatsoever. To a newbie, that might look to be the
cream of the card, and
the cycling is pointless and silly, but don't get
fooled. The reason the
second ability is so intense is that after you get
X little creatures, you
get to draw a card. This means it replaces itself
and basically gives you
free creatures. THen to top it off, its at instant
speed allowing for the
1/1s to come out as a surprise when they are
attacking, or at the end of
their turn to set up a practically summoning
sickness free horde that will
attack on your turn.
In limited this card is just good. It would easily
be my first pick for the
reason that Limited is simply a creature battle.
This card can out-do the
opponent in numbers, and with the replacement of
cycling, theres a chance
you'll draw a creature as well. I know I said
you'd never see the hard
cast, but 4/4 flyers in a limited environment can
decide a game. Early on,
I'd play the 1/1's but if there were a lock in
progress, here come my beat
stick 4/4s:)
Constructed: 4.8
Limited: 4.5 |

Van Zandt |
Decree of Justice
Easily my favorite decree... instant creatures are
good. Plural instant
creatures from the same card are better. Plural
instant creatures from a
card that cantrips, for a reasonable cost?
Amazing. Plus it's basically
uncounterable (yes yes, I know stifle) Plus the
bonus angel ability.
constructed 4.2
limited 4 |