
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Gerhardt |
Grinning Demon is the Juzam of the current world.
As a 6/6 for 4 mana, it seems amazing. But
since the current tournament environment allows
for a lot of creature removal, big fatties aren't
as good as you'd think. Chainer's Edict, Innocent
Blood, Wrath of God, etc., make anything less than
fast and furious quick drop creatures a bit risky.
When Odyssey block leaves the environment, it may
find a more secure place and even a deck to call
casual constructed, this guy is much more fun, and
is fast fat for black decks. The loss of 2 life
means little if you can beat your opponent
senseless quickly. That is what makes Withered
Wretch a decent quick beat card. Yes, it can
backfire, but if you have to, you can make sure
you have some removal in your deck to deal with
In limited, this guy
is really good. He's big and he's bad and he beats
your opponent down, or at least keeps their board
clear by making them chump him over and over. Good
times, and and early pick.
2.75 Casual: 4
Limited: 4
Current Price:

We start of the week
with the current block's "Juzam". You would
think a 6/6 for 4 would be very good.
Unfortunately, with the control leanings of the
current type 2 field, it isn't that great, as
they can either continually chump block it,
having you take 2, Wrath it away, or Moment's
Peace a bunch. I think it'll be a bit better
than it is once we get Mirrodin in, but only
time will tell.
In limited, it's a
risky move, as unless you have evasion, the life
loss will really pile up. Not universally worth
it, but can be in some decks.
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 3
Crimson |
Grinning Demon
I just love this card, what a happy little demon!
This has always been a
favorite card of mine, yet I've never gotten
around to putting him in any
decks. (or even getting one for that matter) At
the cost of 2 life a turn,
on turn 4, a 6/6 is darn tootin good. Even though
it is a 6/6, all your
opponent has to do is block it with a little
creature every turn. In effect,
him loosing a creature and you loosing two life.
Also, this will not be as
good of a card late game. Where you have probably
lost more life then you've
gained, along with loosing two a turn after you
cast this beast, and it
would be better to just spend 5B on a Twisted
Some options are to use him in a green/black deck,
to give him trample with
cards like Rancor or Brawn. Blue can also be added
to the black instead, to
add flying to the mix.
The morph does add a surprise factor to him
though. On some turn, swing with
some creatures (face down Grinning Demon too),
then if he goes unblocked,
pay the morph cost and you just did 6 instead of 2
damage! Or, if your
opponent feels lucky, and is going to block that
mysterious creature, turn
the Grinning Demon face up to hopefully kill that
unfortunate blocking
creature. Same thing can be done when you are
being attacked, after they
declare attackers, surprise your opponent by
killing one of the attackers
with your 6/6.
Grinning Demon
Casual Rating: 3 |