
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Gerhardt |
Brushhopper - hides from a lot of things, as long
as you have the cards to pitch from your hand.
Great with your own Wrath of God, and pretty darn
good against your opponent's Wrath too. It's
a beast, so a natural fit in Beast decks, but he's
so good that you can find him in a lot of
non-beast Green/White builds. He's a fast
3/4 for only 3 mana, and in today's environment,
it's pretty easy to smooth 2 colors.
Definitely a consideration in any GW build.
In limited, he's a
decent sized body that comes out quickly. If
you're going GW already, he's a quick pick in
draft, and a definite include in sealed.
Limited: 4
Current Price:
$6 |

Everyone's favorite
beast. It misses mass removal, and is a great
Cliffs helper. It even speeds up Wake mirror
matches. (Without this, Worlds might still be
going on :)) A solid creature, and a great
choice in any format if you are playing its 2
Constructed: 4
Limited: 4.5
Crimson |
Anurid Brushhopper
This is one heck of a card. Paying 3 mana for a
3/4 with no drawback is a
deal I tell you. It's extremely hard to kill, with
its handy ability. As
long as you have cards in your hand, and its worth
discarding them to save
your brushhopper, he'll be ok.
You can use him to chump block some huge creature,
then remove him from
combat before damage is dealt to him, so he still
blocked, but will come
back to you at the end of the turn.
Another nice trick to use with him is to discard
two cards from your hand,
in turn removing him from the game. Then, play a
mass removal spell, such as
Wrath of God, Decree of Pain, Obliterate, etc. End
of turn the Anurid comes
back to play and everything else is gone,
depending on what removal spell
you played. You opponent is left with out any
defense. (hopefully)
Anurid Brushhopper
Casual Rating: 3.8 |

Van Zandt |
Anurid Brushhopper
Appropriately costed for his power/toughness,
plus he's a beast in the same
colors as ravenous baloth. In limited, he turns
excess land into a combat
trick, and in constructed he can hide from
removal. He's not broken, but
he's certainly adequate.
constructed - 3.2
limited - 3.2 |
Danny Tatro |
Anurid Brushhopper
When he first came out people from my area
overrated him. Removing him from combat to avoid
something 2 for 1's you. But in the right deck you
just dump flashback cards, or madness something.
Still no Wild Mongrel. He's an okay 3/4 for 3. G/W
has never been the most amazing beats colors
though. They always seems to be outdone by others
like G/U. This guy has seen his day, and he won't
do anything in extended.
In limited he's much better. He's a nice
3/4 for 3. His ability although a bit expensive,
is still worth it to save him in the right
situations. Plus your usually chucking flashback
cards, getting threshold, or madnessing. Late game
its usually the 5 lands rotting in your hand your
chucking. A solid pick.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 3.5 |