
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Gerhardt |
Lightning Coils seems a bit slow for serious
constructed, but it might work out in a combo deck
for casual. Maybe with Nuisance Engine, where
you're creating a bunch of expendable chumps
In limited, it works
as filler, but not much more as it will be
slllloooooow in working, and will probably end up
destroyed before you can activate it.
Limited: 2
Current Price:
$4 |

Lightning Coils
A neat ability. The
ability to make more creatures for creatures of
yours that die is just a great ability.
Unfortunately, this suffers as a focus
distraction in any deck that would use it - you
have to waste your third turn to get this out.
(But does anyone smell a Stifle in the wings [to
keep the creatures]?)
In limited, you
can't control when you get the tokens, so you
might not get them at the best time. And
Mirrodin sealed decks have so few creatures
anyway compared to other sets, so this thing is
really not worth it.
Constructed - 2
Limited - 2

Van Zandt |
It stays in play, don't forget! doesn't sac
itself when its effect goes
off. So this has potential use in constructed...
too bad it says
non-token. In general though, and especially in
limited, you're probably
busy losing if you manage to trigger this thing,
and those 3/1's aren't
going to bring the game back for you.
constructed 2.2
limited 2.3
Chase |
This is one of my favorite new cards. I'm even
trying it in my Goblin
deck. It can make them hold back a Wrath and it
can just get you extra
creatures. I'm not sure if it will be good in
Constructed. Obviously, it's
meant to fit in red decks but it's hard to say
whether it will fit into
other decks. Caller of the Claw saw play in elf
decks. Will Coils see the
same amount of play? I can't answer that now.
This seems even better than
Claw because it's reusable. Time will tell
however, I'll just say that I
like this A LOT.
In Limited, the effect is a little random and you
don't want to be tossing
away your creatures to feed this.
Constructed: 4
Limited: 2.5
Jason |
Lightning Coils
This is one of those
cards that I get conflicted about. I like the cost
and I find it more affordable in constructed or
limited. I have these great visions of my opponent
destroying all my creatures only to be swarmed by
mini-ball lightnings. Unfortunately the only time
I see this happening is when you are facing Wrath
of God or Decree of Pain. I use those two cards
just as a small example of mass removal. In
limited I drafted this card and found that if I
was losing enough creatures to make it useable I
was probably losing the game anyway. I may sound
like I dislike this card but I really don’t. This
is one of those cards that I look at and smile. In
a combo style of deck could be really fun.
Limited 2
Constructed 2.25 |