
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Gerhardt |
"Big Guy" flyer from the Mirrodin set, he's also a
favorite because he's a Dragon. Add to that
he can fit with any color scheme since he's an
artifact. And he's pumpable. Nice. His
drawback is that he is subject to two different
classes of destruction - creature destruction and
artifact destruction. BUT, by the time he hits the
board mid to late game, many opponents have spent
their destruction spells on other goodies you've
played earlier in the game. I would probably
purposely play a tasty target as bait before
playing out the dragon to draw out any Shatters or
the like.
In constructed, he'll
fit best in a casual deck. For you dragon fans out
there, he's an easy add due to not requiring
colored mana. And there aren't too many 7/7
pumpable flyers for 7 colorless mana. Nice, nice,
In limited, you just
play him. First pick it in draft. Again, it's an
artifact, so it plays into whatever colors you are
going. He's fat, he flies, he pumps. You can't ask
for more!
Limited: 3
Current Price:
$5 |

Clockwork Dragon
This guy is huge. A
nice finisher for any deck that has spare mana,
and can get to 7 mana. Easy for the Tinker
decks, and not so bad for some control decks.
You just have to pretend he has "Whenever this
attacks, pay 3." (to keep the counter)
In limited, this is
ridiculous. If you don't have an immediate
answer for him, good night.
Constructed - 3.5
Limited - 5

Van Zandt |
Clockwork Dragon
Seeing as how a 4/4 flyer will win most air wars,
this guy is pretty good.
He -can- be the biggest flier in the set. I like
reiver demon more, for
several reasons, but for the most part, if this
guy stays alive for you,
he'll win the game. In constructed though, he's
non-self-protecting, and requires more mana than
his initial bit to remain
functional. Maybe with some lightning greaves,
otherwise, no thanks.
limited 3.7
constructed 2.4 |
Chase |
Clockwork Dragon
In Constructed, it's way too expensive unless you
have another way of
getting it out. (Tinker anyone?) It's fun, but
not for Constructed.
In Limited, this is a first pick. He flies, he's
fat, he can become
fatter, and he can fit into any color deck. I was
very fortunate to open
one of these in my draft. I saw him both games
and he rocked. The only
thing that stood in the Dragon's way was an Icy
Manipulator. There are very
few cards I would pick over this.
Constructed: 1.5
Limited: 5
Jason |
Clockwork Dragon
Have you ever been
sitting at a draft table and had the guy on your
right open his first pack and slam the rare on the
table while laughing maniacally? Well I have and
it was because he opened this wonderful card. This
is one of the few cards that at seven mana I don't
even worry about if it’s the right pick. Seven
mana for a 6/6 flier that on the next turn can
potentially attack as an 8/8. If your worried
about the fact that he loses a counter every time
he attacks or blocks, that’s okay pay 3 mana and
make him bigger over and over again. Jason no
brainer draft tip.... pick him first just don't
laugh maniacally. In standard I still like this
card but he can be taken out for next to know mana
in the form of naturalize, shatter, and a
multitude of other spells.
Limited 4.25
Constructed 3.25 |