
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Gerhardt |
Encounter is another random card from Wizards
"Random Card Division". Just sooo weird. It
would be fun to make a totally casual deck built
around it, though. And interesting. I won't
even bring it up in the context of limited.
2.5 (for interest value)
Limited: 1
Current Price:
$1 |

When I looked at the
cards Shylo had chosen, I thought, "How random."
And they are indeed very random.
This card looks at
coin flips, and lets you put a counter on this
card if you win the coin flip. This can be used
to great effect with tomorrow's card.
Just remember 2
1) If an opponent
loses a flip, it counts as you having won the
2) Mana Clash and
Goblin Assassin have no "winners".
OK in a focused
deck, complete crap outside of it.
And complete crap in
limited, since there's no chance of having a
focused deck.
Constructed: 2.25
Limited: 1

Van Zandt |
Chance Encounter
Um... not for limited, right off the bat, and it
would take a pretty
specific deck to make it function in constructed,
one that includes
multiple bad cards that don't serve much other
function- such as krark's
thumb and... uh... chance encounter ;P
constructed 2.1
limited 1.1
Jason |
Chance Encounter
Odyssey added a couple of cards that allow you to
win the game when a certain condition is met. This
unfortunately was the bad one. Chance Encounter
had no real place in limited or constructed at the
time. With only a few cards that allow you to flip
coins, in a draft it was fairly useless. It wasn’t
until the most recent set that you could
manipulate the coin flip with Krarks Thumb. Now
when I speak about constructed I am usually
talking of tournament constructed. In a fun deck,
I would definitely play a few of these with Krarks
Thumbs, Mana Clash, and Fiery Gambit. This card is
all about playing fun cards that pay off for being
lucky. Magic is after all a game that no matter
how well you build a deck can be manipulated by
Constructed 1.5
Limited .5 |
Chase |
Encounter Wow! We
might have found something that can be used with
Planar Chaos! Or, not. In order to play this card,
you need a lot of coin flip cards. This means you
really should only use this card in Casual (and
you must be smoking first to use it in anywhere).
But in Casual, I would rather be smacking my
opponents face with oversized creatures or be
gaining a lot life. A Battle of Wits type deck
would be the last I would look for.
In Limited, unless you want
to commit suicide and be knocked out first game,
don't even think about it.
Constructed: 1
Limited: 1 |