
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Gerhardt |
It's a
rare Rare that is rarely worth its price. Krark's
Thumb is one of them. Okay, so that's really not
so true... there are a lot of rares not worth the
price of admission.
But, if you like a
challenge, this could be a fun card to build a
deck around. It won't be competitive, but I think
it would be fun as hell to play. Or frustrating as
hell...one of the two.
Uh, we
won't even mention limited here.
Limited: 1
Current Price:
$2 |

This card lets you
choose 1 of 2 coins to keep. In the right deck,
this can give you a much higher chance of
winning a flip, or at least having the effect
you want. However, they don't print any good
coin flip cards any more, as it has been deemed
too "luck driven." Anyone who has played since
the Mirage block knows why - the one good coin
flip card was in that block.
Again, in limited,
you don't have enough of a focus for this to be
any good.
(Now, if I could
only use something like this to fix the fact
I'll find a parking space at the mall this
Constructed: 2
Limited: 1
Chase |
Thumb It's a coin flip
card that lets you get more flips on useless cards
that you shouldn’t playing. Only get this card if
you're trying to make a set.
In Limited..... *@#$^!!!!!!
Constructed: 1 (wouldn't you
just love to pull this as your rare?)
Limited: 1 |
Jason |
Krark’s Thumb
love Krark’s Thumb. Yes it is a love affair. This
card was one of the first cards I traded for on
Magic Online. When you get tired of playing all
those competitive net decks, this is the card for
you. Build a deck for fun with Krark’s Thumb.
Cards like this are the reason I still enjoy
magic. It has little value in draft considering it
only really works well with Fiery Gambit. In
standard it only really shows off what it can do
in a Mana clash, fiery gambit style of deck. It
does have one of the most fun quotes out of the
set. Not the best card ever made, but it reminds
you that magic is fun.
Constructed 2
Limited 1 |