
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Scott Gerhardt |
Another random review
today. :) In constructed, sadly enough, I
could see this seeing play. It is is a 3
power for 3 mana, which isn't all that bad.
The ability is mildly useful. Not sure it
would see play anywhere outside of block, and
maybe not there, but this is the perfect example
of a limited card that could possibly make the
In limited, though, it's awesome. This thing
will take down cards with 1-3 more in their
casting cost, as well as point and shoot something
on the board that is annoying. Damage on the
stack, sac the Replica allows it to take down
something larger, or simply 2-for-1 your opponent.
This is an auto-play if I am going black, and I
would consider it in non-black if I needed
something with some teeth for my deck.
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 4 |

Gerhardt |
Replica is pretty much useless in constructed
formats of any type, including casual. Even in
limited formats, its usefulness is very limited,
maybe only as a filler. But filler is not usually
something you need in Mirrodin limited formats.
Because of the high artifact count, it's not
unusual to run 3 colors, and with that many colors
to chose from, you should easily be able to fill
your deck with more useful cards.
Limited: 1.5
Current Price:
$0.25 |

Thursday - Nim
OK, now we come to the worst of the replicas.
Not only is this guy 3/1, and as such the only
replica that can be killed by an unequipped
Spikeshot Goblin, but his ability is overcosted
by 2 mana. You have to give up a 3/1 body, and
leave 3 mana open for the combat tricks? No
I did a lot of drafts on the MTGO beta for
Mirrodin, and saw this guy consistantly be one
of the last cards of the pack toward the end. I
tried it a couple of times, and quickly saw why.
His 3 mana activation cost is too constraining -
it doesn't let you fully develop your board
while keeping this guy's trick open. A 23rd card
if you absolutely need to put it in your deck,
but let's hope it doesn't come to that.
Constructed: 1
Limited: 2
Danny Tatro |
Nim Replica
A well powered creature- but beware, this thing
usually runs into something unworthy, like a
mana myr or something 1/1ish. The -1/-1 ability
is never that amazing since most creatures in
this format have a 3 butt+. A solid card, but
never amazing.
This card really isn't a constructed card.
Constructed: 1
Limited: 2.5
Spooks |
Nim Replica
UGH! Make it go away. This thing is bad peoples.
He makes baby jesus cry. And not because he
consumes brains. In this block, the only one
toughness creatures you find, are the nim. So
tehrefore, he makes for bad removal. As with all
the other nim, he has a tiny butt, and thus
makes for bad beatdown. Flavourwise, this thing
kills 1 toughness creatures, being nim. That
makes no sense. Why? Why is he killing his
friends? One would think if you were an ugly
machine that devoured people, you would want to
take anyone who didnt flee at the sight of you
as a friend. But I digress.
Constructed rating - Crappy!
Limited rating - only slightly better. either
way, both are lower than one.
Mindless friend killing machine rating - 10 |