
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

gonna have to see this in action before I think
it's good. Maybe if Muscle Sliver was legal
this would be better, but you need ways more
reliable than Blade and Plated Sliver to make
Provoke a good ability. I could be missing
the boat here, but I simply don't see this ability
being useful....at all.
In limited, if you
have some other larger slivers, I can see it being
used, but still would probably not make the cut in
most limited decks.
Limited: 2
Current Price: $0.50 |

Gerhardt |
Provoke is a very
interesting new ability introduced by Wizards for
the Legions set. By itself, it's just an okay
ability, but in Slivers, if used along with all the
other abilities available, it could be pretty
nasty. In limited, I'd usually play a reasonably costed provoke creature. In constructed, this card
would be useful just because of all the other
Slivers it can play with.
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 3 |

Blah. Provoke is
such a crappy mechanic to me. And to make it one
of the red sliver's abilities, is a waste of a
potentially useful space in constructed. No
In limited, it gets
better as a way to push the final damage
through. But again, since slivers are
symmetrical, I'll pass on this one.
Constructed: 1.25
Limited: 1.5

Van Zandt |
Hunter Sliver
well, if you've already got a solid sliver deck,
this guy could see
inclusion, but otherwise he's bleh.
constructed - 2.5
limited - 2.5 |

Livingston |
Hunter Sliver
Provoke! That is hilarious! I love that word,
about you? Its not a good card but I love that
maybe with toxin sliver, possibly but otherwise
casual... In limited its a little better not much
fatties through...
Limited:2.5 |

Chapman |
Hunter Sliver – Unlike
the old school Slivers, the new breed tends to be
a bit costly so decks will be looking for the
early drops regardless of ability. Overall,
Provoke is decent and the low cost will make sure
this card sees action.
Constructed – More of
a filler than key card at least this guy is kind
to the mana curve – 2.50
Limited – I would
value Provoke very highly and as a pick this guy
also can take advantage of any other Slivers you
can draft. 2.90
PEZ – Much the same as
limited but you can make sure you have those extra
slivers to make this guy good – 3.10 |
Scott Sager |
I am still trying to
figure out how good Provoke will be in
constructed, it does have potential though.
Unfortunately the other new red slivers aren't
playable in the current environment (or Block in
my opinion) and I wouldn't splash red just for
this ability. In limited though, I've found
Provoke to be a good way to get rid of pesky
creatures your opponent is trying to protect (
like Wellwisher and Sparksmith). But, Hunter
Sliver is a 1/1 in a world of 2/2 morph creatures.
Unless he gets a Crown of Fury, Hunter Sliver is
just too small for anything bigger than taking one
for the team.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 2.5 |

IQ |
Hunter Sliver
This guy is hands down my favorite Sliver, he's
cheap, he's fast and he's pretty good. He could
backfire if your opponent is also running a Sliver
deck but you can say that about every Sliver
because that's the risk you take when you play the
deck. Now, if there only were cheap Slivers that
only cost two mana with decent effects then I
would be really happy, but I guess I'll have to go
to Extended for that. = ( I think Provoke is a
really good Mechanic, especially in Limited
because if there's an annoying pinger, healer or a
flying creature that's just getting on your nerves
you can easily take it out. Just be careful and
make sure your opponent's not using a lot of
Slivers or this could really, really suck.... The
bad way. ^_<
Constructed 3.5
Limited 2.8 |