
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Do you
remember yesterday when I said Willbender was the
second best uncommon in the set? Well, this
is the best. This guy is stupid, freakin'
nuts. First of all, a good 2/2 for 2.
Always like the good P/T vs Cost ratio. On
top of that, it is bad times for the Metagame.
In the midgame, 'tog had better not let this
resolve. If it does, it could add a few
turns to their kill, and could wreck it all
together if it's not killed immediately.
Against U/G, it is SERIOUS bad times. It
singlehandedly wins the threshold match-up, and
gives MAJOR headaches for the madness match-up.
If you don't have your roars and wonders, I can
race you. :) Do I even need to tell you what
this does against reanimator? Okay - kills
it. Bar none, maybe not the most powerful
card in the set, but it will have a greater effect
on the metagame than any other card in the set,
In limited, it's a 2/2
for 2. Nothing real special, but it's good
as an early creature and can dish into Morph
Limited: 2.5
Current Price:
$1.95 |

Gerhardt |
Withered Wretch is a card that is already hot on
our Website. You can see its uses just by reading
the card...HURT 'tog....HURT threshold...HURT
Glory and Wonder and Anger... This card will see
play as soon as it is tournament legal in March,
and it will help shape the constructed
environment. Its ability is a non-tap ability, so
you can stay well ahead of threshold, and if you
can get it to hit and stick for a few turns
against tog, you can set them back, hopefully and
buy yourself some time, if that helps. Top this
all off with the fact that it's a black bear. BB
for a 2/2 makes for a decent creature in and of
itself. In limited, you'd play it just for the
2/2 for 2 if you have the room, even though the
chances of its ability being useful are slim.
Constructed: 4.5
Limited: 3 |

In my opinion, the
best card that will see the most play in
non-block constructed formats from Legions. This
card singlehandedly gives 2 deck types fits -
Tog, and U/G madness. Tog, because it messes
with their kill. U/G madness, because it takes
out Roars and Wonders. Sure, it can be countered
or Smothered. But having to counter or Smother
this means there's one less creature removal for
Shades or Grinning Demons. I see this coming up
in the main in MBC, and in Tog's sideboard,
until such time as there is a metagame shift
because of this card. It's that damn good.
In On block limited,
however, there are very few reasons the
graveyard matters. As such, there really isn't a
place for this card in limited right now.
Constructed: 5++++
Limited: 1.25

Van Zandt |
Withered Wretch
Correctly costed, a zombie AND a cleric means this
guy starts off ok, then
you tack on his extremely useful ability and I
think he'll see more
maindecks in constructed than you might assume at
first glance. In limited
he's just a grizzly bear of appropriate types, so
he's ok, but not as
excellent as he is in constructed.
constructed 3.5
limited 3 |

Chapman |
Withered Wretch is
nice as a 2/2 for two is a decent cost and the
ability absolutely shafts a number of decks.
Depending on the environment this may be main deck
material for some Black decks but is more likely
to see sideboard play.
Constructed – One of
the few well costed cards that have come out
recently and with a useful ability against
specific decks – 3.10
Limited – Umm not so
good with double colored mana and an ability that
is better in constructed formats – 2.25
PEZ – Not worth an
uncommon slot – 1.50 |

IQ |
Withered Wretch
A 2/2 for two black
that can destroy reanimator decks if you can get
him early in the game, not that bad. I've been
waiting/hoping that Planar Void would be reprinted
to see how it would affect type II, but I guess
this is the closest we're gonna get to that. With
his ability to remove cards from the game I'm sure
there can be some Wish combo but even if there's
not this guy's still worth running. I see him in
sideboards more than anywhere else but if he can
hurt the dominate decks in your local area I could
see him main deck. As far as Limited goes he could
be ok, but he'll force you to get playable black
in order to use him, you'll most likely be using
him because he's a 2/2 for two with an ability
that could come in handy but the two black could
be bad news and make you not use him.
Constructed 3.4
Limited 2.6 |
Scott Sager |
A 2/2 for two mana is
becoming harder to find in a world of Onslaught's
morph creatures resulting in armies of 2/2's for
three. Bears (2/2's for two mana) have always had
a place in the Magic universe, but that is not
what all the buzz surrounding this bear is about.
"1, Remove target card in a graveyard from the
game." is a massive ability in any format Odyssey
block is legal. Negating the effects of
Judgment's Incarnations (especially Wonder) had to
be the first priority when R&D designed this card;
not to mention the added bonus of crippling decks
that rely on threshold or the mighty Dr. Teeth (Psychatog).
This should prove to be my favorite uncommon in
Limited: It's a bear. Always a solid card choice
for any deck that can support the BB casting
cost. The ability isn't as useful in a block that
allows you to once again forget about your
graveyard most of the time, but handy for opposing
Misery Charms and the new Avatars.
Constructed: 4.5
Limited: 4 |