
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Do I
have to review this pile? Okay...why not.
Vexing Beetle sucks in
constructed. Green is not typically the
color of creautre removals, so you generally have
to figure this guy in at a 3/3 for 5. BAH!
Might be okay vs some control blue (which does not
exist in t2 right now) where he could be nice and
brutal, but otherwise pretty bad.
In limited, it's
almost always a 3/3 for 5. If it's a 6/6 for
5, you're pretty much winning anyway. I'd
still play it, though, as it's decent sized alone,
and paired with some removal, it's supersized.
Still not really a bomb, though.
Limited: 3
Current Price:
$2.95 |

Gerhardt |
Vexing Beetle is
anti-blue at it's finest. Draw-Go is sucky to play
against, and this card takes full advantage of it.
He's a bit high costed, but perhaps he will still
find his way into some constructed sideboards. As
of now, Draw-Go does not really exist in the
environment, other than kind of with 'Tog.
In limited, he's
mostly a 3/3 for 5, not great, but if you're
running a lot of removal, he could be pretty good.
If you're opponent has no creatures, he's hitting
for 6. Nice!
Constructed: 3.75
Limited: 3.75 |

A nice creature
against creatureless decks. Nice that it can't
be countered, but it costs 5, which means they
should either be dead or have firm control of
the game when you play this. No thanks.
In limited, it's a
3/3 for 5. Not that impressive.
Constructed: 1.75
Limited: 2

Van Zandt |
Vexing Beetle
He's not Scragnoth, but in some situations he can
be better (I'm a fan of
scragnoth, btw). In limited of course he's just
an expensive hill giant,
but in constructed, this guy may see play in
quite a few sideboards.
constructed - 3
limited - 3 |

IQ |
Vexing Beetle
A 6/6 for five mana
that can't be countered and gets -3/-3 if your
opponent has any creatures in play. Useless......
Constructed 1
Limited 1 |
Scott Sager |
Vexing Beetle looks
like it's trying to be an Anti-combo/control (tog)
sideboard card. A small problem with that is by
turn five those decks should be well on their way
to their particular path to victory. Costing
three or four would make this a card to consider.
Limited: It's a 3/3
for five. Your opponent will almost never have no
creatures (anybody else notice Legions is all
creatures?) and if they don't, congradulations,
you've probably already won. It's playable for
the simple reason that anything with a power and
toughness over two is good in the current
environment, but that's about it.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 2.5 |