
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Gerhardt |
Here it is... all the
big and bad rolled into one card. Akroma - she
flies, she first strikes, she tramples, she has
haste, and she doesn't tap to attack. She laughs
at Red and Black. She's the Dread Pirate Roberts,
and she's here for your SOUL...!
She's too slow to play
in high level constructed, but in Table top casual
play, she would be fun. In limited, you play her.
Find a way to go white, and just play her. If she
hits the board, and they can't Pacify her somehow,
you win.
Constructed - 3
Limited - 5 |

Friday - Akroma,
Angel of Wrath
This creature has to
have the most keyworded abilities of any card
(6, or 7 if they keyword the "doesn't tap to
attack" ability eventually). And you pay a hefty
price for it. But I think it's worth it. This is
a creature that is very hard to get rid of, and
will rule the board once she hits.
Ditto the above for
Constructed: 3.5
(simply because of its high mana cost)
Limited: 5

Van Zandt |
Akroma, Angel of Wrath
Hi, cast me and win the game. thanks. 8 mana is
a bit pricey, but she
doesn't come with the alternate-play restrictions
phage does, and all those
abilities mean a short path to victory. in
limited though, 8 mana is
pushing the limit of what is considered playable,
especially in a block
with cycling lands. she'll still win games if she
comes out.
constructed - 3.2
limited - 3.3 |

Livingston |
Akroma, Angel of Wrath
First thought when I saw earlier last week was
nice drawing, 8 mana, too slow. The right casting
cost too. W/U control maybe, anything else ehhh....
Limited-Win? It kills? Yeah it does!
Limited:5 |

Chapman |
8 mana for a really
big Swiss Army knife. I would say that Haste makes
her playable and she is one heck of a beat stick
but at 8 mana I don’t know how often you will see
her in play. I wish her abilities were focused and
directed to a specific strategy, tactic, or game
situation. If it’s in your deck I think it
indicates that you don’t know what your deck needs
to focus on.
Constructed: Well,
8 mana is a lot for constructed decks but if you
want to spend the mana on something I guess she
isn’t a bad choice – 2.50
Limited: Just like
Phage if you have the colored mana to spend
because White is your main color maybe you should
probably include her since she will win most games
for you when she comes into play, otherwise you
will never get to cast her – 3.50 (if White is
main color) |