
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

school Rec-Sur decks dominated the Extended
environment with this bad boy and Survival.
Sadly, the ban of survival made this things lose
some punch. None-the-less, the ability to
keep bringing back creatures, especially ones with
CIP effects, is pretty nice. There are still
good ways to abuse this card in extended.
In limited, it's a
bomb. You always have your biggest creature
in play. Really nice.
Limited: 5
Current Price:
$5.95 |

Gerhardt |
For your opponent,
this enchantment can truly live up to its name. It
makes it practically useless to kill off or
counter a
creature, as it will probably just end up in your
face again next turn. Quite
In limited, it
could drive your opponent insane as there are
typically few ways to deal with enchantments in
limited formats. An absolute first pick, even if you
are not going black...splash for it!
Constructed: 4
Limited: 4.5
Zack Locke |
Thursday - Recurring Nightmare
In Constructed, this card is simply good. Find a
way to get your fatty into the graveyard and you
got an awesome combo. However, you do have to
sacrifice a creature in order to use the ability
and it can only be used as a Sorcery (and not to
mention, it gets bounced back to your hand O_o).
It's still really good though. There are many ways
to get your bomb into the graveyard in Constructed.
Only to name a few...Mongrel, Tireless Tribe,
Aquamoeba, Looter, Careful Study, the list goes
on. ;)
In Limited, it can be good, but it depends. In
Draft, it will be much harder to play, but you
should always take it. This card is best in Sealed
because you'll most likely have a bunch of bombs
to choose from. If I was playing Sealed and
drafted this, I would definitely find a way to
play it.
Constructed: 4.5/5
Limited: 4.0/5 |

Van Zandt |
Recurring Nightmare
Against control, resolving this spell is
amazing. Any creature they
counter becomes an exercise in futility while this
is in play. Oh, you
countered my spiritmonger? He's coming into
play anyways. And with cards
that have comes-into-play abilities, this
card creates card advantage, which is never a bad thing. In limited,
it's not quite as strong without
that kind of ability, but it will get you
your fatty or flier back as many
times as you need.
constructed 3.5
limited 3.25 |

Livingston |
Recurring Nightmare
Goes great with yesterdays card, and entomb, Its
combo worthy, as with verdant force, since force
out little guys to sac each turn. Otherwise
actually a good card...Excellent Reanimator
Limited: Ha, trade in itty bitties for the big
id take it, play in limited!
Limited:4.5 |