
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

cards scares the living hell out of me. If
my opponent plays this thing on turn 1, I think I
would completely crap myself. the thought of
this guy hitting turn 1, and two more clerics
hitting turn 2 makes me very scared about the
beatstick himself hitting me on turn 3.
The truth of the
matter is this: it's unlikely you'll have
Supplicant + Scion + enough clerics in limited,
though it would be house if you did.
In constructed, it's
the old Spirit of the Night trick. The only
thing is, this guy can get searched from anywhere,
so you can always find it, and the Scion cycles.
Then again, I'm not reviewing the Scion - yet.
In constructed, people
will try this deck. It fits very well in the
Cleric deck that already exists. With a
Rotlung on the board, the sac effect gives 3
Zombies and a Scion - evil. I think people
will try it in T2, and I know people will try it
in block.
Limited: 2 |

Gerhardt |
Obviously, this card
is only really useful if you are playing around
it's ability, and have Scion of Darkness in your
deck. You'd have to be fairly lucky to run across
this uncommon and that rare together in the same
draft or sealed. You'd then have to be very Cleric
heavy in your build. Seems it could force you into
playing a subpar build if you over focus on this
card and Scion, so be careful.
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 2 or 3.5 (depending on if you have Dark
Scion) |

Not bad as a 1/1 for
1. What it is really means for is it's ability.
Much like Urborg Panther and friends from
Mirage, this guy lets you sacrifice 3 clerics to
bring in a large creature from anywhere. Whether
or not this ability will help or not matter in
constructed is still to be seen, but I'm leaning
toward the latter.
In limited, if you
have Scion of Darkness and this guy, I would
think they would be auto-plays. I'm sure you can
scrounge up 3 clerics, which would help in
getting tomorrow's card. But it seems I want to
get too far ahead of myself here, so I'll wait
until tomorrow to continue.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 3.5

Van Zandt |
Dark Supplicant
Worth his casting cost, and significantly better
than the spirit of the
night requirements. But only in constructed,
because odds are reasonably
low that you'll bust this guys big friend in
limited along with him.
constructed - 3.25
limited - 2 (unless you have the scion, then 3.5) |

Livingston |
Dark Supplicant
Wow, I am once again reminded of spirit of the
except all peices of it sucked, spirit I use
occasionally in reanimator online, but the card is
cool. Now this is just three clerics, its a 1/1
1. Hmm Not bad, I like Scion anyway. In limited
good, Even if you dont have scion. 1/1 for 1 :D,
played 4 liberated dwarf in a draft!
Limited:3.5 |

Chapman |
Dark Supplicant –
Well, without Dark Ritual you can’t pull off the 2nd
turn Scion but it still may be a decent combo.
Really this should be about the playability of the
Scion and not the Dark Supplicant. If you believe
the Scion is playable then there is no reason not
to include the Supplicant. If you don’t believe in
the Scion then you will never waste time with the
Constructed – Decks
may like an early Scion but it is not an automatic
game winner. Still, I think that some decks are
out there for this card and that means 4
Supplicants are sure to follow. With a Scion based
deck this is a 5.0, otherwise it is a 1.25
Limited – As if you
are also going to get a Scion. . . Pass these
babies along since they will just be another 1/1
cleric, unless you have a good use for clerics in
your deck – 1.25
PEZ – No Scion is
available in PEZ at all so this is a 1.0 |