
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Deftblade Elite
Limited: 3 |

Gerhardt |
Deftblade Elite is an
interesting little wall that will remove an
opponent's creature from possibly blocking
somewhere else key. He may slow you down a bit, as
you'll have to keep 1W open to keep him from being
offed in battle. Not sure if he'll see constructed
play, but he is a 1/1 for W, so he might make a
White Weenie build.
In limited, he's a
more stable pick that could help your guys get
past a single creature that is holding your
attackers off. With some of the other soldier
abilities out there, he may also be able to off
some creatures if you find a way to pump him.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 4 |

Interesting. A card
that can just take an opponent's creature
effectively out of combat, for 1W. Remember, the
guy you're Provoking doesn't have to be
though, they put this (properly, I might add) in
the current weakest color. If this wewre in any
other color, this might see some play; but as it
is, it's an ok card with no home.
In limited, it's
actually a little worse in my opinion, as there
are too many creatures on the other side of the
board (typically) to make this work.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 1.75

Van Zandt |
Deftblade Elite
Yeah, he's the deftBLADE elite and he carries a
big mace. ok... aside from
that, he's a very good wall, and on occasion he'll
take away one of their
fatty blockers. in constructed he is a 1/1 for 1,
so he may see play as a
constructed - 3
limited - 3.1 |

Livingston |
Deftblade Elite
Provoke, I love that word! This is the best
Feral Throwback is ok, but this! WOW!!! Fun
fun! He
owns you and your creatures. Hardly killable.
awesome. Limited, I feel safe to say he's a bomb.
1/1 but he owns blocking and attacking! helping
rid of thier chump blockers, while maybe
your life as a blocker. One of the best commons
Contructed: 4
Limited: 5 |

Chapman |
Deftblade Elite I
think this will be a defining card and one of the
better limited picks period. The ability to remove
a creature from the defending forces will be key
to sneaking attacks through and keeping your own
troops alive. Plus he is a soldier so there is
pump available and tap to damage stuff as well.
Going old school, just think about Venom!
Constructed The more
the format is defined by creatures the better he
will be 4.00
Limited I havent
played with him, but this card just screams pick
me. I think the combat tricks will just be too
huge to ignore 4.85
PEZ A super soldier for your
decks, lots of crazy cool stuff to do with him
4.75 |