
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Mercadian Masques - Uncommon
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 2.50
(7 Reviews)
Limited: 2.67 (7 Reviews)
Reviewed July 31, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
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Card of the Day Reviews

Week's Card Selector
Scandalmonger is an interesting card that could
serious threats now that there are a plethora of
Madness cards to play with it. B/R madness
burn, B/G
madness, and don't forget that Dodecapod is still
around too. Unending discard ability can be
useful. Simply make sure your opponent
doesn't want
to use its ability on you.
In Limited, this guy is a fairly large body for
but his ability may truly hurt you more than it
help. Since you can't abuse it enough to
make the
ability one-sided in Limited, it will most likely
prove to be a liability.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 3
Wednesday - Scandalmonger was just beginning to
see the light of play in
constructed when it rotated out. It was
overpowered by Urza's Block and
Rebels, but as Invasion entered and Rebels saw
less play, Scandalmonger
developed into an okay card, depending on the
metagame. Of course, you need
to play them in a more aggressive deck,
where your cards have lower costs,
so you can cast them under the Scandalmonger.
It's never been a bad card,
just a little underwhelming. It needs the
right environment and deck to see
play. Same is true in limited, although
3/3's for 4 mana were hard to come
by in Masques Block, making it a bit better than
the norm.
In Five Color, Scandalmonger is splashable, a huge
plus. However, there is
a tendency to hold onto extra cards in the format,
which could act in the
Monger's favor, or could work against you.
In either case, it would be a
crapshoot, and most players look for more
reliability from their cards.
Constructed - 2
Limited - 2.5
Whenever you use a card that effects all palyers
equally, you have to make sure that it fits into
deck's strategy (Wrath of god is a great card but
don't play it in a swarm deck!)
In limited, your strategy is loose at best, so
scandalmonger's ability does not benefit you
especially, but he is a big black creature for
reasonable cost - I give him a 3
His abitlity is cheap and reuseable so you could
a constructed deck around him. A 3.5 in

3B, Creature — Monger 3/3, Mercadian
Masques Uncommon
2: Target player discards a card from his or her
hand. Any player may play this ability but only
if he or she could play a sorcery.
“Silence costs extra. Breaking it costs
extra still.”
Scandalmonger is an interesting card but
unfortunately the fact that either player can
pay 2 to force a discard makes him mostly
unplayable in tournament decks. In the current
environment there might be a way to use this guy
in a deck due to the large number of madness
cards and cards you could want in the graveyard
I can see a potential use for this guy. Maybe
someone should try a 1.5 deck like this.I
haven't ever used him much in limited due to the
drawback, cards are just too valuable to give
your opponent this kind of hand control.
Constructed-2 (until someone shows me a deck
design that makes him work)

An interesting card.
This card is only really good if you have an
advantage. If you have the advantage, you''l be
able to keep it by making the opponent discard.
If you don't have the advantage, you'll not get
it back, as your opponent will typically have
first shot at stripping your hand before you
strip his.
In limited, it's a
3/3 body, which can be a large advatage at
times. Same rules apply as above, though.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 2.2

I never liked this
card. Sorry. It might be good, and I
know it saw a little play, but I felt like it was
too small for the stage of the game you needed to
play him in. Great vs control since he's
must counter for them, but 2-3 in the sideboard is
as good as I was ever getting with this guy.
In limited, it's a body. 3/3 bodies are
good I guess. Just make sure you play out
your hand first, or your opponent is gonna play it
out for you.
- 2.5
Limited - 3
Current Price - $.95 |

Scandalmonger was the 2nd worst
monger. This isn't saying much because they
were all playable in Limited to some degree, and
some playable in
Constructed. I wouldn't start playing black
for this guy, but I wouldn't be
dissapointed. He was rather large at 3/3 for
4. In Limited, a 3.5,
constructed a 2.5. |

Hornberg |