
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Limited: 3.75
Current Price:
$7.95 |

Gerhardt |
Mono White is making a
comeback, and Dawn Elemental is taking her place
in the control version of it though it doesn't
qualify well in weenie. Wizards seems to be doing
a decent job of balancing the colors a little
better. Mono white just wasn't seen in serious
constructed up to this point. Dawn Elemental,
Exalted Angel, along with a few important Common
and Uncommons from block, seem to have made white
a finally worthwhile color to look at. And
when 8th Edition is released at the end of this
week, who knows.
In limited, it's a
great card, but it's casting cost of WWWW makes it
very difficult to get into play. If I were going
heavy white, I'd still try it, though.
Constructed: 4.5
Limited: 3.5 |

A hot player in the
block MWC (Mono-White Control) deck. This helps to
keep the aggressive decks at bay, and can also
swing unimpeded by a Carbonize. It does cost WWWW
though, so you have to be running mono-white to
take advantage of this. If you can though, and
you're playing creatures, I highly recommend you
use this.
In limited, it's a
little tough to cast, due to the colored mana
requirement, but in a deck with white as its
primary color, be sure to play it.
Constructed: 4.5
Limited: 4 |
Danny Tatro |
Dawn Elemental
Good in limited and constructed. In limited
you have to be going very heavy white to play
this. In constructed, or should I say block,(OnBC)
its a big part of mono-white control. A good card,
but I doubt it will matter much after this block
Constructed: 3
Limited: 3.5 |
Crimson |
What a cool card. I
think the picture is good and the card has a fair
The WWWWcc makes it VERY tough in a multi colored
deck. Also, I wouldn't say
the elemental belongs in White Weenie decks if
that's what you're thinking.
WW tries to get the opponent to 0 live as soon as
possible, and Dawn
Elemental is more of a defensive card, which I
don't think fits into White
Weenie. Still, that doesn't mean don't use it,
it's a great card, have fun
with it.
Dawn Elemental
Casual Rating: 3 |