
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Pits of Rath
Limited: 2.5
Current Price:
$2.95 |

Gerhardt |
Hmm... I wasn't
playing yet when this card showed up originally in
Tempest. I don't know how successful it was then.
It seems like a card that must have a deck built
around it and it's ability. Perhaps a weenie deck,
or a pinger deck, since it doesn't specify combat
damage. Goblin Sharpshooter might be insane. Maybe
include Pyrotechnics for good measure. Tutor to go
get what you need. Interesting. Probably more
viable in a Casual deck than in Tournament
constructed, but you never know. Seems like a fun
card to work a deck around.
In limited, it's way
too random unless you have a few pingers to work
with, in which case it might be amazing.
Construced: 3
Limited: 2.75 |

Death Pits Of Rath
A nice card to have. This guarantees no matter
the size of the creature, if it takes damage,
it's gone. This might be nice to combo with
Goblin Sharpshooter, although I don't see this
making a tournament deck right now.
In limited, it's a marginal card at best. You
still have to find a way to deal damage to their
Constructed: 2.25
Limited: 2.5

Chapman |
Death Pits of Rath has
always seemed over priced to me. Sure it makes the
enemy critters easy to kill but 5 mana for a card
that makes other cards in your deck marginally
better? I will pass on the Pits.
Constructed - Instead
of the Pits, why not play mass removal? - 2.25
Limited - Since it
affects all creatures do you have a plan to deal
with it? - 2.25 |
Crimson |
I wouldn't think you could just stick the Death
Pits in any deck. You would
to def keep it in mind when putting the deck
Hmmm. Maybe make a fun R/B deck using this card
and Goblin Sharpshooter.
"ohh, my sharpshooter just killed all your
creatures. now please get them
off my table."
Be sure to include lots of little goblins and
zombies. Killing an Arcanis
the Omnipotent with a Shock is always fun too : p
Death Pits of Wrath
Casual Rating: 3.5 |