
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Ravenous Rats
Limited: 3.25
Current Price:
$0.45 |

Gerhardt |
With the soon coming
exit of Madness to the environment, Discard decks
may make a comeback. Ravenous Rats, while
not a bomb, is a nice, solid little card.
In limited, he's
a'ight, but again, not great. A decent filler card
for Black.
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 3 |

Ravenous Rats
A nice little utility creature in black, and a
card I'm glad to see come back. You get to take
out a card of their choice in your opponent's
hand. This won't be useful until Odyssey block
rotates out, with all the good madness spells in
that block, but after it does, this guy will
once again have his day in the sun. Not a truly
great card, but usually a truly useful card.
In limited, he's a body. His ability isn't
usually too useful though.
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 2

Chapman |
Ravenous Rats were
just born good. They are a solid all around card
that fit low in the curve. Discard is good and to
get a creature out of the deal is just excellent.
Simply solid.
Constructed - Whether
you want discard and the creature is just a bonus
or you want creatures and the discard is just a
bonus this is your card - 3.25
Limited - Discard
is generally less critical here but this is still
a solid pick - 2.85
PEZ - Not many
Black decks ignore these rats - 3.15 |
Crimson |
I'm not much in to making my opponent discard
cards. But getting a little
creature and making my opponent loose a card isn't
such a bad deal. I would
rather spend 2 mana on a Boneknitter or something
to that extent. Or have a
1/1 such as Carrion Feeder or Festering Goblin. I
wouldn't use this rat.
Ravenous Rats
Casual Rating: 2 |