
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Wirewood Guardian
Limited: 3
Current Price:
$0.20 |

Gerhardt |
Wirewood Guardian is
just too expensive to play in constructed. While
it does have the potential that I mentioned
earlier this week as a landcycler, that will be
the ONLY reason you'll see this guy in any
constructed deck, ever.
In limited, he's big,
but he's a late pick. When you first see
he's a 6/6, you think beast, but then realize he's
just an oversized elf. he's more filler than
anything, or potentially useful if you think
you'll need the landcycle ability because your
splashing green.
PS: Thank you to
all of you who visited our
Website and emailed us feedback! You helped us
pick out a bug or two, and gave us a few ideas!!
We REALLY appreciate your help! We still welcome
any further feedback for those who haven't
gotten a chance to check it out. Report bugs,
give criticisms, and send in ideas of what you
might like to see to:
Chris Gerhardt - Thank you all!!!
Constructed: 2 with
Limited: 2.75 |

A 6/6 for 7 in green
that's not a beast? AND he has double green in
his casting cost? If I want to smooth out my
mana, I'll play Veggies in block, or Birds in
type 2.
No evasion, so I
have to say this is the worst of the land
cyclers. Just another ho-hum big creature, and
there are plenty of those in this block.
Constructed - 1
Limited - 1.5

Van Zandt |
Wirewood Guardian
6/6 makes him the higher end of non-amplified
fatties, plus as an elf he
helps you a bit in other arenas... although he'd
be better as a beast. Same
potential in constructed as the rest of the
landcyclers, but again,
unfortunately not a beast.
constructed 2.8
limited 3.1 |
Danny Tatro |
In limited he's a huge body for 5GG. The
alterante cost makes him really good. Mainly since
green has alot of double casting costs. this guy
is one of the better land cyclers.
In constructed he has forest cycling.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 3.5 |
Craig Brye |
Wirewood Guardian
Constructed-Ok, it's big, it's Green.
Umm...it's Green. It will never see play. With
number of fatties Green has at its disposal, this
has nothing to offer. He's too big to assist with
early benefits of Elf tribal themes. You shouldn't
need to rely on landcycling with Green's mana
acceleration. 1.0
Limited-Big is never bad in Limited, but I just
this guy did something more. Kind of like a
Vizzerdrix on steroids. Landcycle if you must,
I'll pass on him. 1.5
Casual Constructed-If I'm spending 7 mana in
Roar of the Wurm or a Beast with benefits is
hitting the field. 1.0
Casual Group-By the time the endgame rolls around
multiplayer, Green should have plenty of fatties
the field if he's still alive. Hardcasting large
creatures is much more feasible in multiplayer,
but I
still want to get the most of my mana. Sure, he's
another big butt, but there's at least fifty cards
want before this one, particularly one that can
with flying. If he does see play, then I'm just
toying with my opponents or using up the leftover
from Upwelling. 1.5 |