
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Twisted Abomination
Limited: 3
Current Price:
$0.20 |

Gerhardt |
Now we're talking! We
end the week with the swampcycler, Twisted
Abomination. It's good points:
- Creature type:
- Swampcycling
- Regenerator
- High power
- Common
Yeah, this guy is
really decent. Might show up in some
constructed black decks, even. In limited,
this guy is very good. Not quite first pick, but
an early consideration. Regeneration, especially
in the limited formats, is amazing. Since it's
toughness is only 3, it is well within the range
of may current burn spells, so you may want to
consider not playing it until you have the extra
swamp on the board when you play it. If you
see it really early in the game, you can always
landcycle it if necessary.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 4.25 |

To end the week, our
Swampcycler isn't that bad. He regenerates, and
he's a zombie. So you can play some interesting
tricks once you finally get your Unholy Grotto
In limited, the fact
that this guy regenerates is huge. I don't know
if I would even cycle this guy ... just build up
6 mana and drop this guy. Maybe if I needed mana
on my third turn and didn't draw it, but
otherwise no.
Constructed - 2.75
Limited - 4

Van Zandt |
Twisted Abomination
Everyone knows this guy is amazing, not only one
of the few regenerators in
onslaught limited, but a large regenerator to
boot. Dominates limited
games, plus he's in black and 6 mana so you can
dragon shadow him up (or
really any of the dragon enchantments is good on
him). Plus the ubiquitous
landcycling means he won't clog up your hand.
Potential win condition for
mono-black control in constructed, too.
constructed 3.1
limited 3.5 |
Danny Tatro |
In limited.... HES MINI SILVOS FOR
BLACK!!!! He even is insane enough to have an
alternate cost. This guy is SOOOOOO GOOOOOD. I
can't believe he's common!!! If your playing
black, your gunna want as many of these guys as
you can get!
In constructed he has swamp cycling, but
casting him may actually not be that bad.
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 4.5 (He's common................... ) |
Craig Brye |
Twisted Abomination
Constructed-Now this I like. Is a 5/3 for
6CC a good value? No. But I can't imagine this
ever being hardcasted. Here's a landcycler that
really be put to good use with Black's ability to
cards out of the graveyard and onto the field.
immediately jumps to mind. Cheap Regeneration is
always a bonus. 4.0
Limited-He's big, he cycles, he regenerates.
not to like about that in Limited? I don't have a
great deal of experience in Limited, but I'd be
willing to bet he's a pretty high pick. 4.0
Casual Constructed-Now you get to tap into all of
Black's reanimation and graveyard trickery. There
so many ways this guy is going to hit the field
Turn 1
or 2. 4.0
Casual Group-Another aspect of multiplayer games
that board clearing happens more frequently so
regeneration is always helpful. Get him out early
from the graveyard and he'll wreak havoc on
1/1s. Wait until someone WoG's the board,
him, play Reaping the Graves, and pull back both
and your Visara. Rinse and repeat with multiple
Reapers until your army is back to pre-Wrath. 4.5 |