
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Limited: 3
Current Price:
$4.45 |

Gerhardt |
Without its storm
ability, Mind's Desire is bad. And even at first
glance, it's seemingly ridiculous mana cost makes
it seem like a junk rare. But in Type one, where
you can literally play many multiple spells on
turn one and find ways to produce large amounts of
mana (Can you say "Moxen", boys and girls?), this
card has the potential to be insane. Turn one,
play a land, mox, mox, mox, some 0 or 1 cc spell,
whatever, Mind's Desire for an ungodly amount,
and... oh! another mind's desire.... A friend of
mine play tested it in a Type 1 deck, and could go
through his entire deck on turn one. So,
Wizards has restricted this card in that format.
As far as Type 2 and
other constructed formats, it hasn't found a deck
yet, but then again, Scourge isn't even legal
until next week. We shall see.
In limited, uh...
Limited: 1.5 |

It's really easy to
see why this was restricted in type 1, with all
of the moxen running around. I dare say, though,
that this will be a part of a "slow combo" deck
in Extended and type 2. I say "slow combo"
because you'll have to wait until like turn
10-12, then play a few 1 casting cost spells
before the first of these. Don't know how
successful it will be, but I'm sure it'll be
In limited, this is
crap. You can't build up to the Storm so that
you get more than 3 copies, and you definately
don't want this early, which makes it not worth
playing at all.
Constructed: 4
Limited: 1
Scott Sager |
Mind's Desire
Apparently it's
"Type I Restricted List Week" and we're
beginning with a card that was restricted before
it was even tournament legal.
Aside from Type I
where you have the Moxen and Hurkyl's Recall to
make the Storm ability worth while, the card is
just too expensive to make it worth while. The
restriction of this card may mean it will never
see any play in the format it has the most
potential in, but I'm sure there will be a few
people trying to work it into their Academy
decks to see how many spells they can play for
free in a turn. Hmmm...float all artifact mana
+ Hurkyl's Recall + recast all artifacts +
Mind's Desire + free Yawgmoth's Will = I win ;)
Constructed: 2
Limited: 2

Van Zandt |
Mind's Desire
Expensive+Storming+Sorcery+Random Effect=Bad. I
mean, it can technically be used for card
advantage, and I suppose if you had to choose
over an off
color morph and this in limited, you -might-
choose this, but i'd say the
storming bounce spell is better in limited most of
the time, and it's bad
constructed 2
limited 2 |