
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Demonic Consultation
Limited: 1.5
Current Price:
$0.95 |

Gerhardt |
Wow! 1 Black, and I
can burn through a few cards and get what I need!
What a great deal, right?
usually....but sometimes playing with the dark
side bites you in the butt...
Okay, I actually
beat a guy playing Illusions Donate at an Extended
PTQ because of a Demonic Consultation gone bad on
his part. I was playing Sligh (I had only been
playing Magic for 2 months at that time...I ended
up Top 8'ing as the first seed). He Consulted,
naming Swamp. He flipped the first 6 cards, and
blew through 2 of his 3 Donates doing so. Then, as
he flipped looking for his Swamp, he hit his 3rd
Donate. It was game 3, and he scooped, since he
then had no way of winning the game. Nice.
And that, ladies and gentleman, gives you the dark
side of using Demonic Consultation. Yes,
Consulting for a Swamp should have been a safe
call, but poop happens, as the above incident
relates. And it happened to a Pro Tour
player...you know that guy CRIED when he realized
how many ratings points he was losing to a scrubby
girl with about a 1630 rating at the time. Hehe...
In limited, when
you're playing a lot of "one ofs" this card can be
a boon or the death of you. Name your bomb, but if
it's at or near the bottom of the deck...bad
times. If it's near the middle, good times. If
it's at the top, bad times. That's too many bad
times for me. (I heard decking is a bad thing...)
Constructed: 4
Limited: 1 |

This was restricted
in Type 1 due to the Tutor effect. In its day in
Type 2 and Extended, though, it acted like the
tutor it was, with the occasional fact that it
might remove your win condition in the process.
I won quite a few games where they Consulted
away all their Donates.
But, this is today.
Having this restricted in the only format that
it can be played in, along with the fact that
there are much better tutors available in that
format anyway, and I'll pass.
In limited, this is
WAY too risky. It removes over 1/6 of your deck
to start, and since you typically only have 1 of
the given card you would Consult for, there's a
high likelyhood that you'll lose right away to
it being in those 6 cards. Pass.
Constructed: 1.5
Limited: 1

Chapman |
Demonic Consultation,
along with Demonic Tutor, is simply the best. In
the decks that need it the disadvantage shouldn't
ever be a problem. As a cheap instant this card is
just too good.
Constructed - One of
the best, IMHO - 5.00
Limited - A decent
chance you will ditch the card you name, still not
bad - 3.75
PEZ - For Aggro/Control,
Suicide, and even Discard this is an all-star -
5.00 |
Scott Sager |
Demonic Consultation
Easy rule the DCI
follows, if it has Demonic in the title
it should be banned or restricted (Ex.Demonic
Tutor, Demonic Consultation, Demonic
OK, this one
definitely deserves to be on the restricted
list. An instant speed Demonic Tutor for one
Black mana with a small drawback of removing at
least six cards off the top of your library from
the game. Any player who knows their deck
should be able to abuse this card as stated
above. Worst case scenario is you don't pay
attention to what you've used and name a card
you only have one or two copies of left in your
deck and unfortunately remove them from the game
and lose or you are faced with a situation where
you need one card to bail you out of a no win
scenario and you pull that card in your first
six (you were going to lose anyway right). More
often than not Consult gets you the card you
need when you need it.
Constructed: 4.5
Limited: Unless you
name a basic land, don't even think about it.

Van Zandt |
Demonic Consultation
Another one mana instant spell, but this one
doesn't lose you card
advantage, and it also gets you whatever you
want. Its drawback is rarely a
drawback, unless you have to cast multiples in a
single game, then it can
get risky. Arguably the best tutor... except in
limited, where it's
uncastable, except to fetch a land... which means
constructed 4
limited 1 |
Danny Tatro |
Demonic Consultation
This card is just really good. Combo decks
used to abuse this card left and right. Necro-Donate
was the all time high abuse with this card.
Killing people in a silly amount of turns with
Force of Will being your only hope to stop it,
which they also had.
In limited this card is nowhere as good,
since most likely you'll deck yourself using it.
Constructed: 4.5
Limited: 1 |