
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Ageless Sentinels
Limited: 4 |

Gerhardt |
Hmm.. fun! Just not constructed material.
While it's cost isn't bad, for a similar 4 mana,
you could have a 4/5 flying life-gaining Exalted
Angel smacking face, ya know? That pretty much
puts this into perspective, I think. In limited,
it's great! It's a 4/4 Wall that will pretty much
stop your opponent dead in their tracks for a
looong time, since they won't want to attack into
it randomly and risk turning it into a "giant
bird." So they probably won't be doing any
attacking until they can play something bigger
than this puppy. Or they'll have to expend some
removal to deal with it. Either way, it's done
it's job for only 4 mana. Nice.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 4.25 |

Wheeee. A flying
Elder Land Wurm. Anything that makes you block
to be useful is generally bad in constructed,
and this is no exception.
In limited, though,
this is actually pretty good. It stops anything
in the air, and once it blocks once, it can
attack. I would play it, and probably pick it
about 4th-5th in draft.
Constructed: 1
Limited: 4

Chapman |
Ageless Sentinels is interesting. A 4 cost 4/4
Flying Wall is okay but not really anything that
would stand out but a 4/4 Flyer for 4 is really
solid. No good against creature light decks but
very good against any deck that wants to swing for
the win. I see this as a solid pick. Constructed
- Solid overall but nothing amazing - 2.50
Limited - Very good because it is efficient and
has evasion - 3.75 |
Scott Sager |
Ageless Sentinels
A 4/4 flying wall for four mana that can attack
if it ever blocks something. Cool.
Limited: Even cooler.
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 4

Van Zandt |
Ageless Sentinels
4/4 flier for four mana is good, very very good in
this limited environment
in fact... I guess that's why he's rare. The
prerequisite of him blocking
makes him not good enough in constructed, since
control decks ignore him
and exalted angel is better overall. By a lot. In
OnBC he doesn't survive
his blocking attempts, the fatties are too big ;)
constructed 2
limited 4 |
Danny Tatro |
Ageless Sentinels
In constructed theres better.
In limited this guy stop things from
swinging at you for a VERY long time. Plus a 4/4
flying wall is hard to remove immediately anyways.
If your opponent does make this thing capable of
swinging he etierh has something up his sleeve, is
going to attempt to kill it when it blocks, or is
an idiot. Good card for its cost. Not aggressive
though... but really good for a control type of
limited deck. Holds off until you get your true
bomb or until you can make some good break-thru
Constructed: 1
Limited: 4 |