
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

I want
to make this short, but that's gonna be hard
because I like this guy - a LOT.
is a big debate over the 4CC slot in Red -
Clickslither, Firecat, or Goon. I'm gonna
make my opinion known here - Goon. Probably
best in the mirror match, it doesn't die to
silly burn and doesn't require a lot of other
things on the board for it to be good. All
you have to do is make sure you have more critters
than yor opponent. This card should be
played in a deck with a good curve and heavy
critters. If it is, once they have to start
chumping on this guy, the parade will only fuel
itself. I wish it had trample, but Goon
might just be best as an Edict every turn.
He's very playable in the right deck, and I think
he'll see some real consideration in OBC, T2, and
even Extended where it's better than the now
extinct Goblin Mutant.
In limited it's a
house. Just make sure you're up on creatures
and this will usually spell doom for your
opponent. Probably worth splashing red for
all by itself as long as you're creature heavy.
If you're not, don't play it.
Limited: 4.75
Current Price: $4.20 |

Gerhardt |
You know, I had this guy in a sealed deck I played
at Friday Night Magic 2 weeks ago. I had a
quick deck with early drops and great tempo, and
got lucky enough to draw this guy more times than
not. He'd hit the board and go to town, much
to the dismay of my opponents. In limited, if you
have a quick paced deck including red, he's an
auto play. In constructed, some say he'll make
the cut... some say he'd be worthless too often to
play. I think
he's worth at least some space in a goblin deck. If you're
playing Goblins, you should almost always have
more creatures than you opponent.
Constructed: 3.75
Limited: 4.25 |

Goblin Goon
Mogg Toady on
steroids. Back in Nemesis, you had a 2/2 for 2
with the same ability. He's been working out,
and now is 6/6. Unfortunately, he's got stiff
competition for the 4cc slot. Both Clickslither
and Blistering Firecat also want to be here, and
I think there's only room for 5 4cc cards at
most, and I would go with the Firecat first. So
at most, you'll want one of these. Not a bad
card in the least, but is outmatched in the
current environment.
In limited, if you
can get the advantage, it can get nasty pretty
quick. He'll never want to block, just attack.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 3

Chapman |
Goblin Goon is pretty
big – a 6/6 for 4. That can’t be bad and his
drawback is about par for the course. In Sligh
decks you have a lot of creatures so it won’t be
too bad. The downside is that at 4 mana he is on
the high end of Sligh’s mana curve and competing
with other cards for those precious slots. In
addition, he seems a bit like a ‘win more’ card.
If your Sligh deck has more creatures than your
opponent you are probably winning. If your Sligh
deck doesn’t then this guy wont help equalize the
game anyway.
Constructed – Built
for Sligh but not able to really be broken in that
deck – 3.30
Limited – Everybody
has a lot of creatures and he is cheap and bigger
than most. Not a bad bet here – 3.50 |
Scott Sager |
Goblin Goon
Usually I can't find
anything to complain about when I cast a 6/6 for
4cc, but with the environment moving to more of a
creature base this particular drawback may hurt
more than it has in the past. This might work as
a sideboard card against Tog and combo decks but I
don't see it being played main.
Limited: This guy
is BIG. You would have to build a fast aggressive
deck around him, but if he stays active the game
will be over shortly.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 3.5 |
Danny Tatro |
Goblin Goon---
This guy is good with goblin lackey. Other
than that heres not too uber. Definitely good in
the right matchup though. I've seen this guy make
a difference in the sligh vs sligh match-ups
against people who didn't have him, but a good
player would just try to play around him. Hes a
good one for legions though...
In limited hes ok... but I've always been
able to play around him when I come up against
him. It depends on the deck, and the current state
of play. If your deck has lots of fast beat down
guys gofer it. Otherwise you'll just land up
getting overrun and missing out on him completely.
Constructed: 3.0
Limited: 3.0 |

Livingston |
Goblin Goon
Wowwie!!! He's a 6/6 for 4! Kinda like Mr.. Demon!
only attack or block if you outnumber them....with
goblins? HAHAHA!! That's great, I think he will
play! He's pretty damn good. In limited I actually
think he's mediocre depending on the situation...
Constructed: 4
Limited: 3 |