
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Nantuko Vigilante
Limited: 3
Current Price:
$0.20 |

Gerhardt |
He's not bad as a 3/2
for 4, with built in Naturalize. Plus, he sports
the Morph ability, always a nice plus even if you
don't have a target for his removal. Morph
creatures are great sometimes just for their
mysteriousness... is that a Nantuko Vigilante
under there, or a Krosan Cloudscraper, or a
who-the-hell-knows-what. Guaranteed to make your
opponent nervous when your morpher comes attakin'
and you have any significant amount of mana open.
In limited, he's only a sideboard card in this
heavy creature/light enchantment/almost devoid of
artifact environment.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 1.5 |

Nantuko Vigilante
You knew we would
get this when you heard Legions was all
creatures, right? Unfortunately, it costs you 5
mana to get the body in addition to the
Naturalize. I'd rather just play the spell, as
it will allow you to spend much less mana for
the effect.
However, this can be
real convenient in limited, where costs are less
of an issue. If I get this in my sealed, I'll
play it.
Constructed: 1.5
Limited: 3.5

Van Zandt |
Nantuko Vigilante
he's a touch pricey, but he does have versatility,
and 3 power is decent
when he's in action, plus he's got 3 creature
types, which can be a bonus.
constructed 3
limited 3.1 |

Chapman |
Nantuko Vigilante is
either a really expensive 3/2 or a decent cycled
creature for some matches. The problem is that his
affect is relatively slow and only good in some
matches. Just like most of the cycle for effect
creatures he replaces a same cost superior
creature or a much cheaper instant. I think you
are better off with the good creature or good
spell as opposed to the card that is mediocre at
Constructed – This is
where Artifacts and Enchantments will get you.
Maybe main deck for creature decks so they have
some way to remove Artifacts and Enchantments
without weakening the deck. Probably not though –
Limited – Fewer
Artifacts or Enchantments make this less appealing
– 1.90
PEZ – May be useful
for some Green builds but not too much – 2.10 |
Scott Sager |
> Nantuko Vigilante
> A Naturalize that's never a dead card. This
might slip into the main deck every once in a
while, but definitely a strong sideboard card and
Living Wish target.
> Ltd.: A safety net that can swing for three
when your opponent doesn't' have a Riptide
Replicator or Lavamancer's Skill to worry about.
> Constructed: 3.5
> Limited: 4.0 |