
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Two-Headed Dragon
Limited: 4.5
Current Price:
$6.45 |

Gerhardt |
Two-Headed Dragon is
big, bad and red. The only trouble is it's casting
cost, which makes it unplayable in anything but
casual constructed. They really need to make
a dragon like they did for Angels when they added
Exalted Angel. She's an amazing creature that's
FAST and extremely playable. She can ba bashing
face by turn 4. Not too many dragons can claim
that. But it seems the new coming set, Scourge, is
hinting at HEAVY DRAGONs in their creature base!!
Dragon lovers rejoice, and pray for the dragon
equivilant of Exalted!
In limited, big is
good, and firebreathing big multi blocking is
sooooo good. Play it.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 4.5 |

Two-Headed Dragon
In the year of the
dragons (Magic sense, not Chinese calendar
sense), we get this fat firebreathing dragon to
play with. It will go really well with the
Scourge dragons coming out. The fact that it
can't be blocked by only one creature is a very
important one, which should get you creature
advantage if they have to kill it by blocking.
In limited, it
flies, and it's huge. I need say nothing more.
Constructed: 4.25
Limited: 5

Chapman |
Two-Headed Dragon
says, “I am a big mean beat machine.” Impressive
and a card that can and will win games even when
he plays for 6 (which pretty much means he can
swing for at least 7). Not bad but big creatures
are almost always overrated.
Constructed – He is a
brute – 3.65
Limited – He is a Brute with
evasion x2 – 4.85 |

Van Zandt |
Two Headed Dragon
His defensive ability almost makes me wish he
firebreathed for toughness
instead, but his versatility and potential damage
dealing means this guy can
be dangerous, even if he doesn't see a lot of
actual play. And more so than
many flyers, he wins limited games.
constructed 3
limited 4 |
Scott Sager |
Two-Headed Dragon
Mmmmmmm... beefy. I
love this friggin thing. It's big, it flies, it
pumps, it can't be chump blocked by a solitary
Bird of Paradise, and it can eat a creature with
each of it's heads. I don't know if it will
find a home in Standard like it did during the
days of Fires, but it's nice to know it will be
there if you need it.
Limited: BOMB!
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 4.5

Hornberg |
Two-Headed Dragon
Two Headed Dragon is a good card when it comes to
trading. In reality, its
casting cost is too large for a red creature, and
thus is hard to make
It's abilities are nice. It gets large fairly
fast in attacks, and it not
only flies, but has an added ability that will
more or less make it
unblockable against quite a few decks.
In limited, it's god. Take it whether or not you
are playing red, and if
you can, you find a way to play it. It is that
Constructed - 2.8/5.0 (If you can find a way to
play it in red, good, but it
is a little pricey for that color.)
Limited - 5.0/5.0 (God... 'nuf said.) |