
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

One of
my advantages is that I get to see my fellow
reviewers reviews before I actually write mine
myself. Today, I almost completely disagree
with them.
Karona CAN win the
game for you, it CAN resolve, and I think there IS
a deck it goes into. I apologize if I'm not
going to divulge any tech at this juncture, but
I'm certainly not writing off "Beer Girl" until I
see her in action. I have a few decks that I
think she will play well in. Just remember
this: You're playing Karona, and you're the
one who knows what she does. You are the one
ready for her drawback, not your opponent.
Played right, this card is going to be the kill
card for some decks that otherwise lacked one.
Again, not going into details, but let's just say
I think she's very not bad.
In limited, not as
good. Very hard to get the 5 color
requirement. Don't get me wrong, she's an
evil beatstick in limited, but I'm not sure you'll
ever find a way to get her down in this
environment. If this were Invasion block,
I'd give her a 4. This is Onslaught, though,
so she gets much lower.
Limited: 1.5 |

Gerhardt |
Um... I know Scott's
opinion of Karona, since he's made it clear to me
since we first saw the spoiler on it. You
know, I can't argue with the fact that he's
qualified for Nationals and I'm not . Though I have to admit that if
anyone can find a way to play a 5 color card, it's
my husband. But I'm still going to have to say
that I think Karona just isn't any good (Sorry,
sweetie). I
can think of better ways to give your creatures an
Overrun effect, and at best, not limiting them to
only "one creature type," and ones that definitely
don't get snatched by your opponent the next turn.
Plus, Chica here uses 5 colors. Not exactly
efficient. I just don't see it happening.
Maybe something funky in block, but I doubt it.
She just stinks. Maybe they spelled her name
wrong, and meant it to be Corona, representing the
kegs of beer you'd have to drink in order to have
the state of mind (read: ineptitude) to play her.
The best use I can think of for her is for an
auction that I run on eBay called: "Fat Fat
Fatties!!" All the creatures have at least a power
of 5. This will make a great Gold addition
to that set.
Limited totally excludes this card as there is no
way to play 5 colors and have a viable deck.
Forget it. If you are so horribly unlucky to open
this gal in your sealed, I pity you. Hopefully
your other rares will make up for this travesty of
Constructed: 1.2
Limited: 1 |

Karona, False God
One of 2 cards that
have all 5 colors in their mana cost in this
set. This is the 5 color legend that sucks in
this set. For the cost of putting something is
you deck so that you can produce all 5 colors of
mana, you either get an 8/8, or a 5/5 that pumps
you attacking army. Did I mention it costs 6? It
does win the game ... if it resolves. Wait until
November, and it might actually resolve quite
often. Until then, it's crap.
In limited, you have
to be able to produce all 5 colors to play this.
This isn't Invasion block, sorry, and there's no
Crystal Quarry in this block, either.
Constructed: 1 (Goes
higher in November, mostly dependant on whether
Counterspell is in 8th)
Limited: 1

Chapman |
Karona, False God just
doesn’t tickle me. All 5 colors for a 5/5 without
any evasion or Trample. Then again, we don’t care
about Karona, we care about the +3/+3 for a
specific creature type. There are lots of ways to
get around Karona’s disadvantage but I think you
would want to win the turn you drop it. The only
problem I see is that 5 color decks rarely have a
unifying creature theme.
Constructed – Here is
your best chance to build a deck that will win the
turn you play Karona or be able to deal with
Karona’s disadvantage if you can’t – 2.45
Limited – Bad news
because you will have a hard time focusing on a
specific creature type and there are few ways to
control the drawback of this card – 1.85 |

Van Zandt |
Karona, False God
Hi, I don't trample, I don't give my friends
trample, I switch controllers,
and I'm very expensive with very difficult mana
requirements, which makes me
unplayable in limited and not worth playing in
constructed. "Splashing" for
overrun is a better idea than playing me.
limited 1.3
constructed 1.5 |
Scott Sager |
Karona, False God
Keep it away from

Hornberg |
Karona, Beer G. I
mean, False God
Karona, False God.. When I first read the name of
this card, the first thing
that popped into my head was a bottle of Corona
for the image simply sitting
there, with a gray background, and a light from
the left side making the
bottle cast a shadow.
Unfortunately, the card named after an alcoholic
beverage is a terrible
card. First of all, it costs all five colors in
an almost completely two
color Type II format.
Strike One.
Each player gains control of it during his or her
upkeep, meaning they can
use it against you fast. Haste doesn't exactly
help you here either.
Strike Two.
It gives creature types a huge boost, and while
you can do it as well, it
isn't exactly a benefit if your opponent can do
that also.
Strike three, she's out!
In limited, she costs all five colors, and helps
your opponent also. She's
a detriment, even if you could play her in your
deck. This thing has the
same problems that all 5-colored creatures have
had in the past - too much
mana to play, and too many different types.
Then, break her down into all the other fun
formats. She is a bad Mental
Magic card, a bad multiplayer card, even in
Emperor. 5-Color scoffs at
cards like this.
Danny Tatro and I were running through all the
possible formats and if the
Beer God can be used in it, and it was literally
concluded that she is
useless in ALL formats. I think we have a new
card to take the title of
worst card ever printed!
Constructed - 1.0/5.0 (She doesn't help you, so
don't play her.)
Limited - 1.0/5.0 (She gets brownie points for
being a legend, but she is
still is a mockery of a card, and unfortunately
those brownie points helped
her reach the minimum.) |
Danny Tatro |
Karona, False God
I can't wait for them to print her sister
in the next set. She's supposed to also be a big
powerhouse just like this one. Her name was, I
believe, "Koors, True God".
No I'm just kidding, but she really sounds
like a beer.
constructed she's garbage, and in
limited she's still major garbage. In fact you'd
have to be drunk to play her seriously. She is one
of the defining cards that define the term,
"Timmy". Although R&D may have gone as far enough
with her as to even scare those kind of players
away from her. So far Scourge looks worse than
Legions. I hope there's at least one card that's
as good as Caller was from Legions so this set has
at least one merit. Maybe R&D is having trouble
cause the best color in this block isn't be blue?
I heard there's a landcycling card thats
supposed to be the best card in the set. Hopefully
it will be a good card, and not just the cream of
the crap.
Well, lets all tip-a-keg for, "Karona, False
Constructed: 1
Limited: 1 |