
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Glittering Lynx
Limited: 3
Current Price:
$0.45 |

Gerhardt |
Glittering Lynx makes
an improvement on a 1/1 for 1 vanilla creature by
adding a decent ability. Lynx forces your opponent
to keep 2 mana open if they want to deal with it.
It's not an amazing ability, but it can be
annoying to your opponent, kind of like a
Festering Goblin nowadays.
In limited, it's
decent, though a later pick. Mostly filler if you
need the color.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 3 |

A convenient 1/1 for
1. It beats down early, and makes your opponent
pay 2 mana to kill it via damage. A decent card
for white weenie these days, but unfortunately,
in its day and in any format that it is
currently legal in, there are much better cards
In limited, it's not
bad. It fits your curve, and again, it makes
them leave 2 mana open to kill it (typically).
Constructed: 3
Limited: 3

Chapman |
Glittering Lynx is a
personal favorite and way underrated by most
players. Sure the opponent can cancel the ability
but that costs mana. I think this card creates a
good tempo advantage and is a great speed bump
against other aggressive decks.
Constructed - Useful
and there are some tricks that can make it even
better - 2.85
Limited - A hard to
kill creature is always good even if the opponent
will probably have mana to deal with it - 2.75
PEZ - I like it
here because it helps against so much of the field
- 3.15 |

Hornberg |
With commons, white
can and will do better. There's Deftblade Elite
(Legions), Nova Cleric (Onslaught), Soltari Foot
Soldier (Tempest),
Benevolent Bodyguard (Judgment)... from the
Peasant Stand point, which is
why all these cards were chosen, you can, and you
should do better.
In limited, it's essentially a vanilla 1/1. It's
special ability isn't all
that special.
Constructed - 2.0/5.0 (Nothing special, and
there's better.)
Limited - 2.4/5.0 (Considering the set, it's okay,
but it's still middling.) |