
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Gerhardt |
Monster is a nice wall type card. Its toughness of
6 makes it very hard to bully past, and very hard
to burn out. Since it's not a major threat
with it's power of only 3, most opponents don't
want to waste 6 points of burn on it. But if they
can't push past... they may not have a choice.
more of a limited card, a nice place holding
threat while you set up something amazing,
Limited: 3
Current Price:
$.25 |

Tuesday - Moss
Outside of limited, there are too many other
good green cards to worry about using this.
You've got Wild Mongrel, Arrogant Wurm, Roar of
the Wurm, and many others. The problem with this
card is its low power and high toughness. Green
is typically not a color you want to play
defence with - green just wants to pound you
into submission. A saying I heard sometime in
the past, which referred to Sligh but is also
appropriate when you are playing green: "If
you're blocking, you're losing (and have
probably already lost)."
In limited, it's not
as bad, as you typically want a couple of
creatures like this to clog things up. Whenever
I play 8th draft, I'd make sure I pick this guy
up around the 4-6th pick, later in pack 1,
earlier in pack 3 if I didn't have one yet and
there was no standout card.
Constructed: 1
Limited: 3
Elazul |
Moss Monster:
A 3/6 for 5. This is green all over. But with
Troll Ascetic's this card has
no place in construced. (He never really did
anyway, but). In limited
however he is a tough customer to deal with. With
his 6 defence, it will be
hard to break him without target removal.
Constructed: 1.5
Constructed Limited: 3
Casual: 2 |
Luke |
Moss Monster
5 mana for a vanilla
3/6. In constructed, you pretty much never play
with vanilla creatures (Creatures without
abilities). In limited, it is a good defensive
creature in a colour that relies on offensive
Constructed rating -
Limited rating - 3
Elliott |
(Moss Monster)
Moss Monster may as well be a white creature. For
5 mana it sacrifices power for a higher toughness.
If I wanted a 3/6 creature (and had the money) I'd
play Ydwen Efreet. It doesn't have trample or
evasion so it won't help in a standoff in Limited.
In Constructed it provides no tempo for green.
Type 2: 2
8th Edition Limited: 2 |