
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Thursday - Shatter
So, I'm choosing my cards for last week, which was
type 2 artifact destruction. I only saw October's
cards, and so I put Shatter in last Thursday's
slot. Then I look at November, and see that the
Pojosama has this for today's card already. Oh
well, such is life.
A very basic mechanic. Also, very necessary in
today's environment, as there are a few artifacts
running around out there.
In 888, crap. In Mirrodin Sealed, golden.
Type 2: 2.75
888 Limited: 1.25
Mirrodin Limited: 4.25 |

Van Zandt |
Well, we all know killing artifacts is good in
mirrodin block limited, and
cheap instant removal is even better. And you can
put it under sceptre.
Not much to say beyond that. In constructed, Red
generally has better
choices if you -really- need to kill an artifact.
Not unplayable, but in
general, probably the less optimal choice.
limited 3.4
constructed 2.8 |
Danny Tatro |
In Mirrodin limited this card can be an early pick
easy, since it destroys most all threats at
speed for 1R. A great limited card for Mirrodin.
Constructed: 1.5
Limited: 4.5 |
Crimson |
What can I say, this card does it's job perfectly.
Red likes to see
artifacts explose and this does it on turn 2 or
when ever you want as an
instant. Detonate is another artifact killer but
is a lot more restricting,
although you can get a little more out of it.
Demolish is'nt to great since
artifact destroying is a sb thing, and why would
you use Demolish. Then
Rustmouth Orge does it, but he costs 7! Yikes, and
no evasion either.
Casual Rating: 5
Art Rating: 4 |
Shylo |
Shatter is a badly
mistreated card. In about every environment where
this card would be useful, some other card
outshines it. For example, Hull Breach in
Invasion/Mercadian Type 2, Shattering Pulse in
Rath Block, or Pillage/Demolish in the current
Type 2. However, it might see usefulness in block
and Type 2 as artifacts are flooding the scene.
It's a decent card as long as nothing better is
available. In 8th Limited, it sucks as there are
next to no artifacts worth using it on. In
contrast, in Mirrodin Limited it shines, again due
to the abundance of artifacts.
Mirrodin Block: 4
Type 2: 3
Mirrodin Limited: 4
8th Limited: 1