
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Gerhardt |
I love
the artwork on Darkest Hour! One of my favorites.
I want them in foil... please go to our
Website and sell me some if you have any
in FOIL!! =)
Hour works well with
Light of Day (which makes it so Black creatures
can't attack). Obviously, you come up with
alternate kill mechanisms. Nice for Casual decks.
Pretty much useless in
Constructed: 4
Limited: 1
Current Price:
$2 |

Tuesday - Darkest
An interesting card
that seems to sell somewhat well. The ability to
prevent attacks (Light of Day), prevent damage (CoP),
or do any other number of things is interesting,
but it doesn't make a good tournament card.
Strictly for casual use.
And not for limited,
either, as it has nothing to work with.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 4
Limited: 1

Van Zandt |
Darkest Hour
This card doesn't cantrip. Oh, doesn't
that say enough? Well, it's
the right cost, but it doesn't do enough... it
intrinsically requires
another card for this card to have any impact on
the game. And since that
impact generally doesn't outright win the game,
it's a two card combo, with
one component that has no secondary function,
that does not win the game in
very short order. In limited it's even worse,
you don't even side it in
against banish heavy decks since you're playing
black already.
constructed 1.8
limited 1.7 |
Spooks |
Darkest Hour
My first ever deck I
built by myself was bsed on Darkest hour.
Mainboard Cop: Black and black hate, A sphere of
grace or two and your laughing.
Major Teroh was
often the shining star of the deck, but anything
that really picks on black would work.
Unfortunetly, I spent lots of time on the lower
tables at FNM's, but that was when I first
started. I could of probably made the deck
Constructed rating -
2 (again, this is something you have o build the
deck around)
Limited rating - 0
(totally and utterly useless)
First turn darkest
hour, second turn cop: black rating - 1000000000
Crimson |
Darkest Hour
There is one combo I know of with this card. Cast
Light of Day so that black
creatures cannot attack or block, then you make
all creatures black with
Darkest Hour. Its a cool casual combo, which might
be fun to try out once or
twice. Pretty much all this is is a dull Shifting
Darkest Hour
Casual Rating: 2
Art Rating: 4 |