
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Gerhardt |
Luminous Angel - Not for competitive
constructed... just too expensive. Could
make a showing in Casual constructed Angel decks,
but casual players usually want a beefier creature
for 7 mana.
limited, playable if you are going heavy white. In
that case, flying 4/4's are worth the cost, and
the bonus creatutre each turn is sweet.
Casual Constructed:
Limited: 3.5
Current Price:
$6 |

Wednesday - Luminous
The new Verdant
force. However, it only makes 1/n the number of
creatures, where n is the number of players in
the game. It may be decent as a 1 of for a new
reanimator, but other than that, it's not that
In limited, it
flies, and it gives you more creatures each
turn. You play it if your mana base can support
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 5

Van Zandt |
Luminous Angel
Not quite verdant force, but a reasonably
interesting critter. Can win in
limited just by virtue of being a fatty flier, and
may be worth reanimating
when verdant's not available. But in general,
she's too pricey and doesn't
have a big enough immediate effect on the game.
constructed 2.4
limited 3.7 |
Spooks |
The only non-black
card this week. I picked this one because I
fell in love with her at mirrodin pre-release.
Looking at the spoiler the night before, I told
my friend that she would be something you would
want to open, because creatures are good in
limited evcents, and a free creature a turn is
very yummy. First pack I open, Luminous Angel
:D. (I will not mmention that my second pack
contained a Planium Angel...oops)
Put simply, she is
the queen of limited. The three white is
painful, but I managed to get it in a 3 colour
(splashing red and green) deck everytime she
appeared in my hand. She wins games by
herself. Either she makes a blocker a turn, or,
she makes another atacker for the next turn.
And we all know how strong flying is in mirrodin.
Constructed, the 3
white limits her either mono white decks, or
reanimator, although I can think of a few
better targets to reanimate.
Constructed rating -
2 (she, like all angels, are way to pricey)
Limited rating - 5 (BOM!
Open her, play her!)
Angel rating - Not
quite Reya.
Crimson |
Luminous Angel
Noobs will play this just because its an angel
with a big casting cost.
First comparison will go right to Verdant Force,
which is a very nice
reanimator target. They both have a high casting
cost, and get 1/1's.
Verdant Force gets twice as many, and is bigger
but has no evasion. I'd use
Verdant Force if I could get my hands on one to
put in my deck. The angel is
not very good compared to the elemental at all.
Its not even that great of a
card imho. Just play Akroma for 1 more, or Exalted
or Serra for less mana.
I'd say the only thing this card has going for it
is that its cheap to buy
and the art work is good.
Luminous Angel
Casual Rating: 3
Art Rating: 4 |