
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Verdant Succession
Limited: 3
Current Price:
$0.00 |

Gerhardt |
First, I'd like to
start off today by wishing my and Scott's nephew,
A.J. Ramirez, HAPPY
BIRTHDAY!!! Kavus rule, dude!!
*ahem* Now on
to the review. Verdant Succession = Combo
fun. Bill and Crimson explain the combos already,
so I'll leave it at that.
In limited, almost
worthless as you just don't tend to have doubles.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 1 |

Nantuko Husk's best
friend these days. In a Oversold Cemetery deck,
you can use the green creatures to power up the
Husk, and then get more to fill your graveyard
for the Cemetery. Another combo that has been
done, and probably won't be seen again outside
of that deck.
In limited, you have
too many one-ofs for this to be useful.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 1

Van Zandt |
Verdant Succession
Pretends to help the beatdown decks against
removal, but any deck you put
it in will quickly become a combo deck instead.
Good at what it does
constructed - 3.5
limited - 3.4 |
Crimson |
Verdant Succession
came out of the deck I've used for a while, Elvish
Succession. This is a BG deck that is capable, on
turn 4 of giving you
infinite mana of any colors, infinite life,
infinite card drawing, infinitly
big creatures, infinite 1/1 insects, infinite 2/2
bears, and infinite direct
damage. An example of one of the combos is having
a Verdant Succession,
Nantuko Husk, and a Elvish Soultiller in play. You
can just sacrifice the
soultiller to the husk, then shuffle the Elvish
Soultiller back into your
library with his ability, then you can take it
right out again with the
succession, allowing an infinitly large Nantuko
Husk, Carrion Feeder, or
Fallen Angel. Then, you can just cast a Caller of
the Claw to get infinite
2/2 bears, and if there was a Wirewood Hivemaster
in play, you were given a
1/1 insect for each time the Elvish Soultiller was
put back into play.
This deck is'nt quite tournament quality, so it is
extremely fun in casual.
(for you, not great for most opponents) The
Verdant Succession is'nt
required to have in play, although it is nice. All
the cards in the deck
work well with every other card.
Verdant Succession
Casual Rating: 4.1 |