
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Friday -
Finally, a good
limited card to end the week. He's a 2/2 for 2,
so the price isn't that bad. The untargetable
ability caused more mana burn in limited games
than I can ever remember, as it was often worth
it to burn for 1 or 2 rather than lose this to a
removal spell. In constructed, though, he
suffered from being a card without a deck to fit
in. He's not a bad card for what he does, and if
he saw print today, I'd bet he'd be in a few
decks. It just wasn't the right environment for
him during his time.
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 3.25

Gerhardt |
Vintara Snapper is kinda eh. While making him
untargetable could be an advantage, you know you
could really burn a lot trying to keep him safe.
If he were pumped up with a creature enchantment
that made him better, then I can see it being a
better deal, but a 2/2 doesn't seem worth the
price you could end up paying.
Limited: 2.5
Current Price:
$0.75 |
Crimson |
Vintara Snapper
Hehe. It's a turtle, whats not to like. I picked
this little guy because I
play him in my 11 land Stompy deck. This deck type
uses a lot of cheap
creatures such as Ghazban Orge, Pouncing Jaguar,
and Wild Dogs, along with
pumps like Briar Shield and Giant Growth to kill
your opponent very quickly.
The snapper would'nt be most peoples 10th choice
for a stompy deck, but I
love the picture and you dont see a lot of turtles
around, so I included
him. Plus, having only 11 land in the deck, I'm
always tapped out, in turn
he is always untargetable.
Vintara Snapper
Casual Rating: 3.5 |

Van Zandt |
Vintara Snapper
Untargettable grizzly bears I like, but he's
nothing special. The extra
offensive abilities of pincher beetle and
jolrael's centaur often make them
better, and blurred mongoose is even more
favorably comparable, but you do
get to rancor up the snapper...
constructed - 2.9
limited - 3 |