
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Grafted Wargear
Fifth Dawn Uncommon
Reviewed June 14, 2004
Constructed: 2
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 3.6
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Now we're
talking... cheap and efficient equipment.
While equipment in general hasn't made the grade
in tournament constructed, Grafted Wargear easily
makes the cut in sealed deck or draft. This
thing can make any wimpy creature into something
formidable, or make a flyer into a quick killer.
Put it on an unblockable
Neurok Spy, and you have 4 turn clock until
your opponent's death. Its drawback, of
course, is that it will kill anything it leaves,
including whatever it's attached to if it gets
Shattered, etc. But it's worth that
insignificant risk, as it turns ANYTHING it's on
into goodness.
In casual, maybe it
will find a niche in some trick deck that will
kill opponent's creatures or something similar. If
you look at the last review by w00t, he points out
some really interesting combos to kill your
opponent's creatures, including
Grab the Reins,
Chamber of Manipulation , and
Threaten (try these all with
Squirrel Nest for a fresh supply of expendable
creatures to regraft Wargear to).
Casual: 3
Limited: 4
Current Price:
Wargear -
Fifth Dawn - $0.99
Well With:
Grab the
Reins -
Mirrodin - $0.59
Chamber of
Manipulation -
Odyssey - $0.79
Threaten -
Onslaught - $0.59
Nest -
Odyssey - $3.45

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Grafted Wargear
An interesting
equipment. Provides the cleric deck from having
to have 2 creatures (Lightning Greaves). Can't
move it from the creature you put it on, but why
would you want to? Only problem is if this gets
destroyed, so does the creature.
In constructed,
there is very little equipment being played,
because it is too slow. This isn't much of a
In casual, the
Cleric deck gets a boost from this, and probably
a few similar decks do too.
In limited, this can
be quite strong. You either put it on a flier
and make it huge, or put it on an unblockable
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 3
Limited: 3.5
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Grafted Wargear
If there were less
Shatter-effects running around in Standard
nowadays, I’d actually say that this might be
really playable. As it is, I think it’s really
just a bit outside of what you can reasonably use
in most constructed play, simply because you don’t
want to provide your opponent ways to two-for-one
you with a Shatter or Oxidize. There’s just so
much good equipment running around, but something
that provides this much power for zero mana to
equip can’t be really ignored.
As I’ve said over and
over, most of the straightforward equipment really
isn’t that much “fun,” so it doesn’t have a real
good place in games that don’t emphasize
efficiency. Then again, it gives you a way to
kill of your own creatures, if you see the need to
do so. I’m sure that is a benefit that someone
will find a use for.
A high-profile player
called this the best card ever in draft this last
week, and while I’m not completely certain if
that’s the case, I’ve definitely come to really
enjoy how powerful this is when it comes down
early in the game. It’s another card that really
requires an immediate Shatter-effect, else you
suffer horribly. This obviously goes into a very
aggressive deck, but equipping a Cub on turn four
or a Den-Guard on turn three is devastating.
Draft it highly and beat face.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 2.0
Limited: 3.5

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Grafted Wargear
This uncommon equipment card probably looks very
good to most limited
players. Most of the time, I think this card will
be good in limited.
Basically, this is a piece of equipment that you
leave on a creature until
that creature is destroyed in combat. If your
draft deck is aggressive, this
equipment will be very good for you for the price.
At worst, this is a
reusable giant growth used at sorcery speed. Equip
a guy, send him in. If he
gets destroyed in combat, equip a different guy
next turn and repeat. The
cards that could cause this card to hurt you are
not that numerous. Be
careful of bounce effects, however.

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Grafted Wargear
Mmmm, I love this
card. No equip cost and a perm +3/+2. Sure I can’t
move it, but I don’t need to. I just smash face
with the guy its on, and when that guy dies, I put
it on a new face smasher. This is currently a high
pick for me in draft. Whether it makes it into any
constructed decks is hard to say, but it could be
good as a weenie horde card, for white weenie,
elves or goblins even. Hard to say…
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Grafted Wargear
An interesting piece
of equipment. I have heard some talk about this
card, but I doubt it will see much play. Plus
Gobbos and Affinity have better things to do on
turn 3. Although I guess if you just attack
head on, it doesn’t matter if the creature dies
in combat, as the equipment falls off by
default. Not that bad, but can’t really fit
into any decks.
Not horrid in
limited. Get modular counters onto other
creatures immediately after playing the modular
Constructed: 2
Casual: 2
Limited: 2.5

Grafted Wargear –
Serious constructed – I might see this deck in a
WW deck, but with so
much artifact removal in standard, it probably
won’t see much play. Sub-
par in most decks and won’t make cut.
Casual – This is the kind of card I find
combolicious for a casual deck.
You can use it to attach it to
an opponent’s critter,
than reattach to your own for a kill. Use it as a
kill method for spells that
temporary steal a creature, like Grab the Reins,
Chamber of
Manipulation, or Threaten. Find your own ways to
use it, or simply beef
your little guys, and kill with the shiny Wargear.
Limited – This card is amazing in limited. 3 mana,
and until your
opponent destroys it, you get to have one creature
at a time be +3/+2
bigger. For drafts this is 3rd pack,
and will fit in most any deck. 1st
Serious Const. – 2.0
Casual – 3.5 (Definitely has potential.)
Limited – 4.5