
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Fifth Dawn Rare
Reviewed June 8, 2004
Constructed: 2
Casual: 2.2
Limited: 2.1
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Hmm... Okay, it
costs 9, so it won't see tournament play.
But you almost have to look fondly at this thing.
It can destroy creatures for a mere 4 mana after
it hits the board. And it can replay itself
to do it all over again, or to protect itself.
So what about
Casual then? Is it feasible to get this
thing on the board?
Turn 1: Land,
Birds of Paradise
Turn 2: Land,
Pentad Prism, plus Birds of Paradise or
Llanowar Elves
Turn 3: Land,
Dawn's Reflection, plus Dawn's Reflection
Turn 4: Land & you now
have 12 mana available. The question is, do
you want to spend it on Suncrusher? Or do
you have a better use for a 9,10,11 or 12 drop on turn 4?
How about
Mirari's Wake, and now you still have 7 mana
available. How about 3 more Birds/Elves, after
another Dawn's Reflection.
Turn 5: Land & you now
have 23 mana available. Finish off your
opponent with
FREE!! So was the point of all that that you
*should* muscle out Suncrusher? Nope. I'm
just showing you that you *can* if you want to -
you can accelerate into just about anything in
casual play.
In limited, this just costs a bit much for draft.
I might throw it in in limited where stand offs
are not unheard of and this could be a game
breaker in such a case.
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 2.5
Current Price:
Suncrusher -
Fifth Dawn - $1.49
Well With:
Birds of
Paradise -
4th Edition - $12.66
Elves -
7th Edition - $0.88
Wake -
Judgment - $7.65
Reflection -
Fifth Dawn - $0.19
Prism -
Ffith Dawn - $0.19
Blaze -
8th Edition - $0.59

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
I haven’t played with
this card yet, but I have to say that as amazing
as its abilities are, I am never too excited about
cards that cost nine mana. In limited, this card
will rule the table once it is in play, but will
it ever get there? You would need a fairly special
limited deck designed to play this very expensive
card. Once Suncrusher is in play, however, both
abilities are very powerful and reasonably costed.
This card is better in constructed than in
limited, though plenty useful in both. Sunburst
cards need to be played from your hand to get
charge counters, so Suncrusher won’t be popping up
in reanimator decks in Extended. However, there
are a number of interesting constructed options
for this board controlling card.

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
I’m sorry, this card costs nine and it doesn’t
even have affinity? Wait a minute, its nine mana
for an artifact which half the cards in the format
kill? Wait, and its nine for a creature, which the
other have of the cards in the format kill? And it
has sunburst, making it even crappier in any
“normal” decks? And it’s Rare? Is there anything
good about this card besides its color and name?
Not to mention that a 3/3 should never get the
name “Sun Crusher.” A 3/3 is like “Small Pony
Crusher” or “Crusher of very large grasshoppers.”
Constructed: 1
Casual: 1
Limited: 1

Chapman |
Suncrusher is a darned expensive card, so
expensive that I hate to like it. If you have a
deck that can generate the mana or, like U/W,
stall the game this card can both wipe the board
clean and attack for the win. That has got to be
pretty decent in anybody's book. On the downside,
it will take a few turns for the Suncrusher to
clear the board. I just can't decide if the
amazing effect is worth such a hefty price.
Constructed - With access to stuff like Wrath of
God, paying 9 to kill 1 creature per turn seems a
little weak - 1.5
Casual - Games last longer and the card may
have some potential but I still hate the cost -
Limited - You may be in a number of games that
go this far and the ability could really turn the
tide, even so the price still scares me - 2.0
Jonathan Pechon |
Wow, talk about slow
and absurdly unusable, this card is
magnificently unusable in constructed play. The
Sunburst mechanic is actually a limitation with
this card; since you can’t just spit it out with
Tooth and Nail or reanimation, it’s just not
going to make an appearance in any deck. Also,
since it requires colored mana, you can’t just
use Urzatron to speed it into play. Blech.
I guess I can see
this making a little splash in some casual
games, but I really think that it just isn’t
going to make it. Killing stuff isn’t nearly as
fun as you might imagine, especially when you
have so many more entertaining, easy ways to
manage it. Just keep your Royal Assassins
Even in limited, you
have to have some sort of line to draw when you
decide what costs too much, no matter how
effective its ability seems. Nine mana is
definitely over the line, as far as I am
concerned; either you or your opponent should be
well and dead before this comes into play.
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 2.0
Limited: 2.0