game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Yes, the classic.
A must in land destruction decks, as well as some
versions of Ponza. To be effective, you
really need to couple it up with multiple land
destruction spells, and it does best against multi
color decks. In limited, it really is decent
in multiples against 3 or more colors. If
you can deprive your opponent of his splash color,
you can really hurt him, since splash colors are
usually reserved for the most amazing cards of
another color.
In casual, it could be
fun if you have a very focused deck built around
the concept. Otherwise, generally not an
Casual: 2
Limited: 2.5
Current Price:
Stone Rain -
Champions of Kamigawa -
Well With:
Befoul -
Champions of Kamigawa -
Sinkhole -
Unlimited - $30.35
Ice Storm -
Unlimited - $16.62
Quake -
Ice Age - $0.59
Pillage -
7th Edition - $1.34
Demolish -
8th Edition - $0.39
Stone Rain is one of those cards that comes from a
MULTITUDE of sets (18, as Jeff points out below).
If you are interested in finding a set other than
Kamigawa that has Stone Rain, you can use the
feature on our site to find them, or any other
card. (Be sure to click the "Search" button
instead of hitting Enter.).

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Stone Rain
We've never done Stone Rain? Who'd'a thunk?
A classic spell for its purposes. It destroys
lands for 3 mana. Get enough of these effects in
your deck, and against slow decks, you can prevent
them from casing their cards. Good to do its job,
and good in the deck it does its job in. Not
recommended for casual (due to the "I won't play
that again" factor) or limited (where one random
land destruction is not usually enough to throw
them off their game plan. You're much better off
using the slot to do something to attack their
life total, such as a creature.)
Constructed: 3
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 1.5 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Stone Rain
Ah what a classic.
While not very strong in limited unless you have
them in multiples and your opponent is playing
three or more colors, Stone Rain still is the
staple of most Land Destruction decks of any type
or format. I admit to being a bigger fan of
Pillage, where I have to have one more mana
colored, but get more flexibility, but there’s
nothing to say you can’t play both!
Hagan |
Stone Rain --
I'm not sure if this card is really good or not.
Aren't there better land destruction spells out
there?...ok, I'm just messing around. This is
pretty much The Standard for all land destruction
spells made today. For example, when you look at a
new land destruction spell out of any set, you
say, "Is this card better or worse than Stone
Rain?" It's really that good. I can't quite give
it a 4.0, because those are reserved for the cards
that define environments, but I'll give it a
fairly high rating.
In limited, I may or may not play this card, just
to slow up my opponent. It really depends on how
good the rest of my pool looks.
Constructed Rating: 3.5
Casual Rating: 3.5
Limited Rating: 3.0 |