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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

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Horobi's Whisper
Betrayers of Kamigawa
Reviewed April 12, 2005
Constructed: 2.50
Casual: 3.00
Limited: 3.75
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Horobi's Whisper is the best Terror printed in
YEARS. Outside of the limited and constructed
formats of the Kamigawa block, there won't be
much use for Horobi's Whisper, but in any deck
with Arcane spells and Spirit creatures, this
card is a little like cheating, providing
SERIOUS card advantage anytime you are able to
use it even twice. To be a little more
realistic, I would have to say that this card
doesn't really seem to take advantage of Splice
onto Arcane the way that, say, Glacial Ray does,
due both to the Splice onto Arcane cost of
removing four cards from your own graveyard as
well as the double-black cast of the spell
itself (making Horobi's Whisper a poor choice
for a third color splash). Nevertheless,
Horobi's Whisper is an excellent card in
Kamigawa limited formats and a decent card for
constructed formats using Kamigawa block cards.
LIMITED: 4.0 |

* Game Store Owner |
Whisper - Tuesday
This card is slowly starting to see more play.
This is most likely due in part to Kamigawa
Block Constructed being played more lately. The
splice is also nice, because it's a non-mana
effect. It, like many black spells, is limited
to killing non-black creatures, but it is still
highly useful.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 2
Limited: 3.5 |
Paul Hagan |
Whisper --
I cannot explain what exactly it is about this
card that I'm not impressed with. It's a decent
enough removal spell in its own right, similar
to a slightly more limiting Dark Banishing. I
can see the Splice Onto Arcane ability coming in
handy on occassion, but more out of convenience
than design. Overall, in every constructed
environment (excluding possibly Block), Horobi's
Whisper is just overshadowed by marginally
better removal spells.
In limited play, Horobi's Whisper goes under my
principal of "any removal is good removal". It
doesn't hurt that, assuming you are only playing
two colors, Horobi's Whisper should be fairly
easy to cast and it gets rid of a number of
creatures. The ability to use it even just twice
in a single game makes it an eye-catcher in your
limited pool.
Constructed Rating: 2.0
Casual Rating: 2.0
Limited Rating: 3.0 |
Squirrel |
First, sorry about last Monday’s COTD: I don’t
know what I was thinking when I said you could
bring back a 5 cc card with a 4 soulshift.
Anyways, today’s card is a solid pick in
limited. Killing almost any creature works very
well in limited, especially because you can
splice this for no mana. It’s also solid in
block because it is removal. It’s only downside
would be that it costs two black mana, but I’d
rather pay two blacks than have no removal at
all. It’s also hard to splash for, because
again, it’s two black mana. Regardless, it’s
still great for an common and it should show up
in limited and block. It’s not that great in
Type 2 because there’s better, cheaper removal
(Dark Banishing, Terror.)
Constructed: 2.5 (higher in block: probably a
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 4 |
Gerhardt |
Horobi's Whisper
spells...always a good idea in limited.
Whisper gives the extra push to make sure
you don't try to randomly splash it,
though. If you're going Black, include it.
In constructed, probably a little slow
compared to other fare offered. In casual,
sure, if you don't have better spells.
Constructed - 2
Casual - 2.5
Limited - 4