
Summoner's Egg
Hey all, and welcome back
to another edition of the Magic Deck Garage! I hope
y’all are looking forward to the Champions of Kamigawa
Pre-Release tourneys this coming weekend – I know I am.
Champions looks to be a promising set for a lot of new
and interesting decks already, and that’s with minimal
spoilers available.
This week’s deck was submitted by Trevor, who wants help
with his Summoner’s Egg deck. It abuses Summoner’s Egg
by trying to imprint the card as fast as possible,
followed by blowing it up just as fast. Here is the
e-mail I received:
This deck is centered around the summoners egg, how to
crack em and get
those big guys out. Also there are the fold into aether
to get the
collosuss. I will most likely run 4 colosuss. My budget
is pretty open just
not insane. I want to run this in type 2 with MD5 no 8th
please. And still
trying to get a good decen sideboard.
2 Bringer Of The White Dawn
2 Darksteel Collossus
4 Summoners Egg
4 Ornithopter
4 Sylvok Explorer
4 Welding Jar
4 Chromatic Shperes
4 Pentad Prism
4 Electrostatic Bolt
4 Thirst For Knowledge
4 Fold Into Aether
11 Forest
6 Island
3 Mountain
Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.
Major props to Trevor on a unique and interesting deck.
The first thing I would like to do is up the count of
Darksteel Colossus to four. He’ll be the primary
offensive weapon in this deck, and for good reason: who
doesn’t want a cheap, 11/11 indestructible guy?
+2 Darksteel Colossus
Next, just on principle, I think a pair of Platinum
Angels need to be hanging out in this deck as well.
+2 Platinum Angel
When I first began typing this Deck Garage up, I was
positive Bringer of the White Dawn belonged in the deck,
but the further I got along, the more I realized that it
was unnecessary. Instead, I swapped it out with Bringer
of the Green Dawn. BotGD can be played with the
resources currently in the deck, and it works out better
if Trevor just gets Summoner’s Egg and this card, as he
develops blockers (and later, attackers) quickly.
-2 Bringer of the White Dawn
+2 Bringer of the Green Dawn
I’m not sure I like Ornithopter in this deck; it doesn’t
seem to fit very well. In its place, I would much
rather have the uber-useful Viridian Shaman. This will
allow Trevor to blow up his opponent’s artifacts * or *
have another way to detonate the Egg.
-4 Ornithopter
+4 Viridian Shaman
As with Ornithopter, I’m not to keen on the presence of
Sylvok Explorer. Aside from Bringer of the Green Dawn,
Trevor really isn’t doing a lot with the different
colors of mana. Thus, let’s drop him in favor of Solemn
Simulacrum, who can act as a deck-thinner as well as a
way to draw a card or two.
-4 Sylvok Explorer
+4 Solemn Simulacrum
Moving out of creatures and into some useful,
non-creature spells, I think we can stand to drop either
Red or Blue entirely from this deck. Since the only
purpose of Red here is for Electrostatic Bolt, I think
it has to go over blue.
-4 Electrostatic Bolt
I’m digging the use of Chromatic Spheres in this deck to
help both fix mana and draw cards, so I’ll leave those
be. Welding Jar seems to be out of place at first
glance, but having it in play can help prevent Trevor’s
opponent from destroying his Summoner’s Egg with the
imprint on the stack.
Pentad Prism is really unnecessary, especially with the
loss of Red mana. Yes, it allows Trevor to get a slight
jump in his mana, but Turn 4 still seems acceptable for
a Summoner’s Egg.
-4 Pentad Prism
Oxidize is another valuable asset for this deck, as it
can be used offensively or defensively. Opponent’s
piloting Affinity really don’t want to see Oxidize
across from them, but in the match-ups where the card
would be useless (see: Goblins), Oxidize is just another
tool to blow up Summoner’s Egg.
+4 Oxidize
The final two cards in Trevor’s deck were somewhat of a
rough call. I’m not sure I like the presence of Fold
into the Aether, if only because it is really only
useful when Trevor has a cheap spell, an expensive
creature, Fold into the Aether, enough mana, and he is
sure his opponent isn’t playing any form of
counterspell. Thus, I’m going to shove it in the
direction of sideboard, and replace it with Condescend.
Between this, and Thirst for Knowledge (I dropped a copy
to add a few land), Trevor should have a fairly easy
time of hunting down all the pieces to his combo.
-4 Fold into the Aether
-1 Thirst for Knowledge
+3 Condescend
As far as Sideboard options go, Trevor’s worst match has
to be any form of Astral Slide. The ability to remove
Summoner’s Egg or the men it churns out is just too much
to handle, so I automatically throw in a full set of
Naturalize. These should come in handy against Affinity
as well.
+4 Naturalize
Against Tooth and Nail and Affinity both, artifact
creatures can be a huge issue. As many of you may have
already recognized, you cannot destroy all of them.
This problem has developed a nice solution in the form
of Relic Barrier, which allows you to simply tap down
the immediate threat. Let’s start Trevor off with
+4 Relic Barrier
Against Blue-White control and Green-White Slide, the
graveyard is an amazing resource, and playing a card
against it can be vital. This is where Scrabbling Claws
comes in. For the price of one colorless mana, Trevor
is already on the road to victory by removing an asset
that his opponents’ rely on.
+3 Scrabbling Claws
Keep in mind, Trevor’s sideboard is just a general
guideline. His local metagame should dictate which
cards make the cut and which don’t, and I’m sure he’ll
want to adjust from 4-4-4-3 in sideboard to a few 1-ofs
and 2-ofs.
That about wraps the deck up, so let’s see how it turned
2 Bringer of the Green Dawn
4 Darksteel Colossus
2 Platinum Angel
4 Solemn Simulacrum
4 Summoner’s Egg
4 Viridian Shaman [20]
4 Chromatic Sphere
3 Condescend
4 Oxidize
3 Thirst for Knowledge
4 Welding Jar
LAND (22):
4 Grand Coliseum (Trevor said no 8th, meaning no City of
12 Forest
6 Island
4 Fold into the Aether
4 Naturalize
4 Relic Barrier
3 Scrabbling Claws
I hope that helps, Trevor, and good luck!
That about does it for this week. Keep your e-mails
coming to
Hagan0001@aol.com, and I’ll get back with you as
soon as possible!
See y’all next week.

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