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Time is coming for another installation of RogueRift's
Deck Overhaul. Today I get a deck from a
"disciple" of mine and I couldn't refuse.
Lately I have had trouble building decks for myself
revolving around the dragons, but perhaps between us two
we will have something great. Let's see the deck that
Omega built, Darrigaaz's Redemption!
> Hi! It's me, Omega. You can't say I'm
not persistent! Anyway, this is a
>Darigaaz theme deck with Kavu as backup. I call it
Redemption, after what
>Darigaaz's ..sniffle.. noble sacrifice.
>4 Darigaaz's Caldera
>7 Swamp
>7 Mountain
>7 Forest
>4 Nightscape Familiar(early defense)
>4 Kavu Titan(stomp'in)
>4 Flame tongue Kavu (burn)
>3 Sparkcaster(combo with other Kavu)
>2 Darigaaz, the Igniter(our star)
>4 Terminate(Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!)
>4 Hull Breach(see above)
>4 Darigaaz's Charm(a powerful card in it's own
>4 Keldjon Mantle
> I don't have a sideboard
yet. Thanks!!!
> Your disciple,
This deck is deck is bursting with originallity, plus
that it is a humble request from a disciple... you cant
ignore things like that. So, here is what we need to
fix. The land count is too heavy, the tempo or mana
curve of the deck rarely gives you something to do every
turn. There are also definent problems against standard
decks that run either white or blue as colors. Finally,
the deck needs to equal 60 cards, right now it only has
58. Lets see how we can fix these. First off,
Ok, some of this needs to be changed... I could already
start to see problems just looking at the casting cost
of some of these creatures. I wouldnt 'diss the
Nightscape Familiar, this guy deserves to be in just
about any black deck running a support color. Kavu Titan
is pushing it, Just haveing to find two green in a three
color deck my represent problems. Plus, you got better
options then playing a 2/2 bear or perhaps... a 5/5 if
you pay for it. I would like to put in Birds of Paradise
for more mana acceleration and good first turn play.
Take out one of the Flametongue Kavu to help make the
deck more consistent. I like Sparkcaster too, but like
Flametongue Kavue, one should go. You only need to
bounce the Flametongue so many times. Of course, wise
decision on the two Darigaaz, good idea for balance. So
now we got two more spaces... let us keep those for
This is where you did a good job, I like what you have
done with this. The Terminates are keepers, just like a
blue/black counterspell. Also, Hull Breach can stop
fires from killing you, very important in maindeck. You
should win first game against fires, but moving one to
the sideboard wont hurt. The charms are great, keep them
there. Now you got two more spaces, put in 4 Harrows.
These will help you find the land you need. Plus, just
as a good spell anyways and maindeck against blue, add 2
Urza's Rage. I know it is a hard card to obtain, so if
you dont have access to it, add in 2 Ghitu Fire instead.
Either would help kill a creature or finish off a
opponent. Now we have 62 cards, lets cut some land.
The land is harder to deal with, you can do the math and
find out green and red are the dominant colors. The land
needs to reflect this. Also, use of the tri-lands need
to be limited in this enviroment. You should be able to
cast Darigaaz by 6th turn consistently, if not sooner. I
would take out 2 tri-lands, a swamp, and a mountian.
Then, place in two Urborg Volcano (the R/B dual land
from Invasion) and a Forest. Here is the revised
Redemption deck and a suggested sideboard:
2 Darigaaz's Caldera
2 Urborg Volcano
6 Swamp
6 Mountain
8 Forest
4 Nightscape Familiar
4 Birds of Paradise
3 Flametongue Kavu
2 Sparkcaster
2 Darigaaz, the Igniter
4 Terminate
3 Hull Breach
4 Darigaaz's Charm
4 Keldon Mantle
4 Harrows
2 Urza's Rage or Ghitu Fire
1 Hull Breach
1 Urza's Rage or Ghitu Fire
4 Boil
3 Flashfire
3 Gaea's Herald
3 Wallop
Good luck and keep sending those decks,
Sam "RogueRift" Leavitt