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Obliterate This
Well, howdy again... Last night I was up late trying
to catch up with the times and "updating" to
Windows 98.. At least my CD Rewrite drive works now :).
I am in such a good mood that I feel like reviewing
another deck that would go all the way... lets see what
we have here.
> Hey I need you help on this deck. It plays pretty
well but its too slow. It
>becomes a problem when you're playing against a
friend who has a couple of
>obliterates in his deck. If you will at all I would
be happy if you could
>give me tips on how to change the deck, and how to
play it. It's a
>green/whitedeck. It's my first deck I've made so
don't laugh. Here we go
>* Creatures 21 *
> 2. Llanowar Elves
> 2. Charging Troll
> 2. Fleetfoot Panther
> 2. Kavu Chameleon
> 2. Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer
> 3. Noble Panther
> 4. Angel of Mercy
> 4. Sabertooth Nishoba
>* Land 24 *
> 3. Elfhame Palace
> 9. Plains
> 12. Forest
>*Spells/Instants/Enchantments and other stuff *
> 1. Belbe's Portal
> 2. Aura Shards
> 4. Wax/Wane
> 4. Fertile Ground
> 4. Armadillo Cloak
> Tell me what ya think. Bye. Oh I almost
forgot, Peace out, and H.B.
It seems you want the deck faster... easily done, we
will just curve the cast cost of your deck down a bit
and add more of that famous green speed. Your creature
base needs to be adjusted if you are trying to survive
after a spell like obliterate. Otherwise, everything
looks good here. Lets start with creatures..
The deck is fixed with lots of creatures that could be
used late game, but not enough early game pressure is
there. There are lots of changes you can make to improve
this. For example, I would add 2 more Llanowar elves to
help speed up the deck. This would both help early game
or after an obliterate. Recovering would become much
easier. The 2 Charging Trolls are good, go ahead and
keep those. Fleetfoot Panther is great! If you could
sneak in one more copy, go ahead. Read all the articles
on this card if you havent already. You can save a
valueable creature by casting this in response to
something. Anyway, Kavu Chameleon is good for now. It is
expensive, but it will help you against other deck types
you might need to worry about. Now to Molimo.... that
card is not for you right now. It is an excellent kill
card, but I would rather focus on pressure early game.
For the sake of its large cast cost, drop it. Meanwhile,
Noble Panther is good. You know he is fat when he has
Armadillo Cloak on it. Could even kill a Blastoderm
then. It is against my better judgement that I tell you
to keep the Angel of Mercy in the deck, but personally I
would lower it to 2 copies. Same with Sabertooth Nishoba...
I dont forsee you needing 4 of them, go to 2. This is
where I recommend putting in either Blastoderms or River
Boa. River Boa will be out of the Type 2 soon. Even
though I would rather put them in here, they will be
gone and you might as well put in 3 Blastoderms. Well,
lets see what is going on to the other spells.
I agree with the majority of the spells. Personally
though, I would take out Fertile Ground and add the
spell that would most help before a Obliterate...
Saproling Burst! Of course, enchantments stay alive
whenever Obliterate goes off! Put in 4 of these if you
can. If you dont have 4, put all you have in and put in
Harrows. These are better then Fertile Ground because it
thins your deck of land and you can draw more useful
cards like spells and creatures instead of land.
Speaking of, on to land.
The land looks really good, it may need some adjustments
later. The only change I would make is to take out a
Elfhame Palace and a Plains and put in 2 Kor Havens. It
is a good land that prevents some combat damage from an
attacking creature. It is vital sometimes. So, here is
what the deck looks like now..
Obliterate This!
Creatures 21
4. Llanowar Elves
2. Charging Troll
3. Fleetfoot Panther
2. Kavu Chameleon
3. Noble Panther
2. Angel of Mercy
2. Sabertooth Nishoba
3. Blastoderm or River Boa
Other Spells 15
1. Belbe's Portal
2. Aura Shards
4. Wax/Wane
4. Saproling Burst or Harrow
4. Armadillo Cloak
Land 24
2. Kor Haven
2. Elfhame Palace
8. Plains
12. Forest
Try this adjusted version and you should do just fine...
Samuel "RogueRift" Leavitt