The Sleeper
Here's a blast from the not so distant past.
Wizards of the Coast likes to hand out deck ideas with
the release of each set, but most serious players decide
not to use them. For instance, how many Rhystic cards do
you see floating around? Withdraw? That may just about
be it. This doesn't mean that they are bad ideas,
just that pros pick Yawgmoth's Will and Tolarian Academy
over all those Opal sleepers.
Thank goodness most of us aren't pros.
Like my brother. One of the few times I've convinced him
to get to a local tourney, I patched up his mono-White
sleeper deck. It had some nice tricks, but thanks to
lack of cards, it really wasn't that good unless your
opponent was playing will lots of little creatures.
Needless to say, he wound up playing against all
creatureless lock decks, leaving lots of enchantments to
stare menacingly at his opponent.
Lesson: If you strategy isn't working, make sure you
have a backup plan. Then make a new deck.
My Deck
3 Opal Caryatid
2 Opal Champion
3 Opal Gargoyle
1 Opal Archangel
1 Opal Titan
1 Voice of Grace
1 Sanctum Custodian
3 Benalish Lancer
3 Shackles
2 Angelic Page
2 Pegasus Charger
1 Reya Dawnbringer
1 Nomadic Elf
3 Quirion Elves
1 Wordly Tutor
1 Natural Spring
1 Femeref Archers
1 Llanowar Elite
2 Fireball
2 Kaervek`s Torch
1 Moss Diamond
1 Grinning Totem
2 Dragon Blood
4 Armadillo Cloaks
15 Plains
10 Forests
1 Elfhame Palace
This deck is a modified version of The Sleeper deck out
of Urza's Saga. It runs fairly well with a few problems
please help. John
Oh yeah, baby, this is straight up Urza's Preconstructed
deck material. Don't fear this deck does have a chance,
it's just going to pull from some past decks to give it
a real boost. The best Opal is Titan. Barring
artifact creatures, or sneaking things like Chimeric
Staff, Chimeric Idol, and the Legacy Man Lands, you get
a pro-color 4/4. This is big stuff here buddy.
Another card that should be in an Opal deck is
Opalescence. This card makes all your sleepers into
creatures that put pressure on your opponent until they
either have to cast creatures, leaving you with a bigger
army, or kill them all off, in which case you cast
Replenish or Crystal Chimes.
Another fun trick is Argothian Enchantress and Worship.
Not only does the Enchantress less you draw cards for
each Enchantment you cast, it's untargetable meaning
without a card like Wrath of God or Massacre, it's not
going anywhere meaning you live forever with Worship in
Armistice is a card we will NOT be using, even though it
is a 5/5 creature under Opalescence; it's still a bad
card. Speaking of bad cards, the best part of this deck
is that when an enchantment is useless, you can just
play it, and with ArgothBabe in play, you just dig
deeper into the deck. Hobble gets insane when you
neutralize their creature, draw two cards and let them
Disenchant Hobble. That's four for one card advantage
for three mana. Granted, Disenchants are probably saved
for bigger things, but who cares? It sounds good when
you read it.
Opal or Your Life
3 Seal of Cleansing
4 Opal Titan
1 Opalescence
3 Worship
3 Opal Acrolith
3 Hobble
4 Opal Caryatid
1 Light of Day
4 Enlightened Tutor
2 Replenish (or Crystal Chimes)
4 Argothian Enchantress
3 Wordly Tutor
4 Blastoderm
4 Marble Diamond
1 Serra Sanctum
11 Plains
5 Forests
4 Elfhame Palace
3 Treetop Village
The land is high because all of your important cards
cast four or more, and you want them out soon as
possible. Notice the nice trick of Light of Day.
Not only do you get a 4/4 clock; your Zombie friends get
a vacation. Granted, there are four other colors, that's
why there's just one copy.
Blastoderm is in there for two reasons. One, he's just
that good. Two, you opponent will want to start casting
blockers, and if he doesn't, go ahead and beat him up
for that. This deck does not want to see Rebels, since
searching doesn't trigger your sleepers.
Sleepers is a fun deck. Don't be surprised when a deck
schools you, but don't give up either. It's a
heckuvalotof fun to play, and the satisfaction of
beating someone with cards they were eager to give up is
Until the NAACP calls for the removal of the color
White, and the restoration of Black Make Mine Magic
Kevin Williams
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