5 Color Dragon
Today we're gonna get really expensive. I don't mean
decks costing $20 - $200, I mean EXPENSIVE. If this deck
doesn't keep someone from going to college, it'll be my
own fault. Why is this deck so expensive? Read on to
find out.
Hey Kevin,
I have built a deck centered on the Dragon Legends
of Invasion. The fix has one rule: keep it
Creatures: 16
1 Treva, The Renewer
2 Dromar, The Banisher
2 Crosis, The Purger
1 Darigaaz, The Igniter
3 Rith, The Awakener
3 Birds of Paradise
3 Blastoderm
1 Sliver Queen
3 Fires of Yavimaya
3 Demonic Consultation
3 Fact or Fiction
3 Absorb
3 Yawgmoth's Agenda
3 Recoil
2 Tsabo's Decree
1 Necropotence
3 City of Brass
4 Adarkar Wastes
4 Brushland
3 Shivan Oasis
3 Urborg Volcano
2 Elfhame Palace
4 Underground River
Strategy: Less than a Sligh. Search out Phatty creature
or Necro, Get more big creatures, make opponent discard
all defense, attack, rinse and repeat. With Necro out,
one Absorb=3 free cards, and Yawgmoth's Agenda to reuse
them! Please make me a sideboard..
Five colors. Dragon Legends. Extended. I would keep
track of how much these cards actually cost, but I don't
have the time. If you can find a price for all the
cards, email me, and I'll send you the OFFICIAL Mana Man
Award for Too Much Time on your hands
Christopher, I can't make you a sideboard because I don't
know your metagame. Here's a hint, don't use Light of
Day, Chill or Perish or else you'll keep half your
creatures from doing anything worthwhile.
First step, remove all commons. That was easy. Now, let's
replace all the Invasion duals with true dual lands.
Since there will still be some mana problems, how about
using Grim Monolith and Mox Diamond to speed things up?
I like the idea of Necropotence and Absorb, and while it
may be a near impossibility because of color screw, four
of your behemoths are White, so Scent of Jasmine is a
possibilitywait, that's common. Let's use Hero's
Reunion then. Two mana, seven life. I pulled the
Agendas; a deck can use only so much card abuse.
And, since Fact or Fiction is the only normally priced
uncommon, let's use Coalition victory. You should be
able to pull off an easy win that way, but Dragon beats
is so much more fun. Call it a back up plan.
2 Treva, The Renewer
1 Dromar, The Banisher
2 Crosis, The Purger
1 Sliver Queen
3 Darigaaz, The Igniter
3 Rith, The Awakener
4 Birds of Paradise
3 Grim Monolith
4 Mox Diamond
4 Demonic Consultation
3 Coalition Victory
4 Hero's Reunion
4 Necropotence
3 City of Brass
3 Plateau
4 Savannah
4 Scrubland
4 Badlands
4 Bayou
3 Underground Sea
All I have to say is:
Turn 1: Bayou, Birds of Paradise
Turn 2: Mox Diamond, Plateau, Grim Monolith
Turn 3: Anything.
Until the crew of the Weatherlight goes on strike
demanding 20% fewer archenemies with unpronounceable
names, Make Mine Magic.
Kevin Williams
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