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Here's a blast from the past - ProsBloom. It's not as consistent as Tide or Jar combo decks, and it's mana base is worse than a Megrim/Urza's Guilt deck. But, it does have an important part of Magic history as one of the first "true" combo decks. I'd put Channel/Fireball in that same category, but that's a different deck for a different day.
Hey Kevin. Just thought I'd drop in and see if you could do anything for my ProsBloom deck. It works like any other, just draw yourself out the pitch cards to the 'Bloom and cast a huge Drain Life. Here it is:
4 Cadaverous Bloom
4 Squandered Resources
4 Natural Balance
2 Drain Life
1 Yawgmoth's Will
1 Demonic Tutor
1 Vampiric Tutor
1 Rhystic Tutor
4 Prosperity
4 Infernal Contract
2 Meditate
1 City of Solitude
4 Power Sink
2 Memory Lapse
4 Impulse
3 City of Brass
4 Gemstone Mine
7 Island
5 Swamp
4 Forest
Its for type 1, but I tried it on Apprentice and found that the Power 9 arent needed, not even the Lotus. If there's anything you can do for it, please post this deck. I havent anything new yet, and that's because I'm lazy and don't care about new stuff when it works fine already.
4 Cadaverous Bloom
4 Squandered Resources
3 Natural Balance
4 Prosperity
1 Drain Life
1 Regrowth
1 Yawgmoth's Will
1 Demonic Tutor
1 Vampiric Tutor
1 Time Twister
1 Infernal Contract
1 Mystical Tutor
1 Wheel of Fotune
1 Ancestial Recall
3 Meditate
1 Time Walk
4 Impulse
1 City of Solitude
4 Duress
2 Bayou
2 Underground Sea
3 Tropical Island
6 Island
5 Swamp
3 Forest
1 Mox Ruby
1 Mox Jet
1 Mox Sapphire
1 Black Lotus
I know you said you didn't think the P9 were necessary, but I have found that Moxen and Lotus are invaluable to any combo deck. Unless your opponent has Force of Will, the boost is just amazing. I was playing a Extended Oath deck against a T 1 Sneak Attack deck, and the only reason I lost was a first turn Sneak (powered by a Lotus) that let uncounterable creatures through each time. Of course, my opponent was using a bunch of cool Legends, so I forgave him. Just kidding, folks, always forgive an opponent for beating you.
Any, the point is that mana is good. If you don't draw it in your opening hand, no problem, they can power Prosperity or Cadaverous Bloom.
The reason I'm running the rest of the P9 is for sheer power. Time Walk gives you another shot as going off, ignore the drawback of Meditate, or letting you play that last critical land. The rest is all about search power. Dumping cards to Bloom lets you Wheel hurting your opponent even more that you.
The two biggest enemies of this deck are Force of Will and it's own basic land. It kills me that I can't add more duals. But, such is the nature of ProsBloom. At least Natural Balance will rarely help your opponent. I put in Duress to give you a edge against Force of Will. The other option is your own Force of Wills, but I'm thinking that the loss of a card will hurt you more.
Can Pros Bloom break through the Zoo and Keeper decks and claim a piece of the metagame pie?
Don't ask me, prove that it can.
Until Alan Greenspan declare a price break on Beta packs to stimulate the economy, Make Mine Magic.
Kevin Williams