Type 2 Fires
Christian submitted this version of his fires deck
for type 2. He's a self-described "newbie"
crossing over from pokemon, and to welcome him into the
fold of us magical cards players, I'll help him tune his
deck to its maximum beatdown potential. So, here's
the list he sent me:
>3x Flametongue Kavu
>4x Blastoderm
>4x Saproling Burst
>3x Shivan Wurm
>3x Sparkcaster
>4x Llanowar Elves
>4x Seal of Fire
>4x Urza's Rage
>3x Armadillo Cloak
>3x Aura Mutation
>4x Fires of Yavimaya
>3x Rhystic Lightning
>4x Mountains
>4x Forest
>3x Shivan Oasis
>3x Treetop Village
>4x Rith's Grove
So, for those who aren't familiar with the deck, Fires
uses elves and other mana creatures and fires of
yavimaya to bring out big creatures and send them over
to beat your opponent in the head staggeringly quickly.
Of note is the fact that with fires in play, saproling
burst lets you create three 4/4 creatures that can
attack that turn. Not bad eh?
The first thing I want to do with the deck is manipulate
thecreature base a bit. I like llanowar elves,
blastoderms, saproling bursts, and shivan wurms.
Flametongue kavu I'm unsure about, I tend to favor the
more versatile ancient hydra. The advantages of
the hydra are that it has one more power, and its better
for killing multiple creatures as rebels and fires, the
two most popular decktypes are known for running.
The one main disadvantage being that it costs more and
it has an activation cost, meaning you have to wait
before you start picking off your opponents creatures
left and right. Also, the ancient hydra becomes a
lot more potent than flametongue kavu with gating, as it
can smack the player around too if necessary. So
lets make the hydras a staple, and cut the sparkcaster,
which, while decent, don't hold the fort as well, and
can cause some annoying situations if you happen to
suffer a wrath of god or perish, as they'l just 'gate'
themselves. Also, I feel two cards are absolutely
key in this deck: birds of paradise, and river
boa. Birds because they not only speed you up, but
they stabilize your mana also, and river boas because
they can singlehandedly smash counter-rebel and skies in
the face, as those decks may let you force it through
early when they don't have 2 mana or when they don't
have a counter ready. Shivan wurms will stay at
three so gating doesn't mess up the tempo of the deck,
and only 2 hydras will go in, so the curve does not
become obscenely high. So lets see what we've got
for creatures:
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Llanowar Elves
4 River Boa
4 Blastoderm
4 Saproling Burst
2 Ancient Hydra
3 Shivan Wurm
Now onto the spells. As I see it, of the spells
Christian had in this deck, two are musts: Urza's
Rage and Fires of Yavimaya. Fires is obvious, so
I'll explain Urza's Rage. Counter rebel and Blue
Skies are your toughest opponents, and Urza's rage is a
terrific way to finish off an opponent or creature
that's giving you trouble. I chose rage over ghitu
fire, because even though ghitu fire can kill bigger
things and do more damage, its also very easily
counterable/preventable, which is something we don't
like too much. So now we're up to 31 cards.
Neither the rage or fires are so vital that we need more
than three of them. We've got room for five cards,
and I'll explain why that is when we get to the land.
If you just can't wait, scroll down to the next
paragraph, pal. These last three cards will be
cards that fill a need the deck has. This is sort
of my experimental area of the deck. I'll try out
a theory, and you let me know if its crack babble or
gold when you get around to it. I'll make the last
five cards like this: 3 thornscape battlemage, and
2 thunderscape battlemage. The red
battlemage(thunderscape) can force discards and also
kills annoying enchantments, like fires, burst, crusade,
parallax wave, etc, etc, and can occasionally force a
discard from your opponent. The green
one(thornscape) does two damage anywhere(a good
replacement for the seals of fire we took out, since its
a creature to boot), and if you want, Mr. Thorny
battlemage can also dispense with an annoying millstone
or chimeric Idol when convenient. All this for 5
mana?! Seems a good deal to me.
Now to the foundation of the deck: land. In a deck
that has as many high casters as this, you load it with
land, and run the risk of drawing a lot of land in the
late game so you draw a lot in the early game and can
out guns blazing against your opponent. If all
goes well, there won't be a late-game, as they'll be
dead. We can also add lots of cool lands to this
deck to make kicker a lot easier to pay, along with the
ever-helpful birds of paradise. We'll put in city
of brass, about, say...12 forests, as we can't afford to
draw a hand without green-producing lands in it, 4
karplusan forest, and 2 sulfurous springs and 2
brushland. That's 24! I love it when a plan
comes together. So does Hannibal Smith. The
older guys should get that, if you don't, e-mail or just
don't worry about it, its not really important.
Two little notes: treetop village isn't really
type 2, so its not advisable, and shivan oasis and
rith's grove slow you down too much to risk. The
whole idea is to destroy your opponents creatures and
come tromping over with your before they know what hit
them. If you give them time, they do mean things
like search out rebels, wrath of god, parallax wave, or
fly over you for lots of damage. I ain't down wit
dat, see? So lets check the finished product!
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Llanowar Elves
4 River Boa
3 Thornscape Battlemage(if this or his brother suck,
substitute earthquakes or simoons)
2 Thunderscape Battlemage
4 Blastoderm
2 Ancient Hydra
3 Shivan Wurm
3 Urza's Rage
3 Fires of Yavimaya
4 Saproling Burst(it makes creatures, but its important
to remember its a spell)
12 Forest
4 City of Brass
4 Karplusan Forest
2 Brushland
2 Sulfurous Springs
Hope I helped ya out Christian, see you guys in a Flash!
-Wally West