
- I've been playing
3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) with some
friends for over a year now. I recently wrote this
as a response to a friend asking how I'd build a Bard,
one of the coolest Character Classes in the game. Since
time is short I thought it might be a neat idea to post
this on my garage. D&D is made by WOTC, same
as Magic and there are definite similarities. One
cool thing about D&D is that it's much cheaper than
playing competitive Magic! This article should be
very interesting for people who already play the game,
and a great Character Building source for people who are
just getting into the game. I'll be back to Magic
fixes by next week... although if this gets a good
reaction I could do more D&D stuff! Let me
know what you think. Thanks, Aaron
Bards are very diverse in how they can be run/built.
Multiclassing is certainly an option, there are
different races that all work well, and equipping the
Bard varies greatly depending on how you build them.
Lets face it, a Bard is not meant to be a Tank. Low
HD, an aversion to overly heavy armor (spellcasting),
and bad Fort saves all add up to a Bard not wanting to
be in Melee combat. This is why I like the idea of
the Bard filling the "Archer" role as he can
still contribute to combat (along with Bardic Music).
An Archer should be able to stay out of the way of
Melee MOST of the time.
Saying this, lets address Multiclassing. Multiclassing
in general is a vehicle to "enhance" combat
skill. I don't think 2 levels of fighter is needed
to make a better Bard. Yes, spending those feats
on Archer related feats or "generic" ones
would be nice... but what's it costing the Bard? Not
obtaining 1st level spells till 4th level at the
earliest sucks. This also slows the progression of
Bardic Music abilities and cool skills.
So far we've got a STRAIGHT Bard Archer!
Let's address skills. Again the cool thing about
Bards is they can literally be built to do about
anything. I like the idea of taking
"bad" skills that have little to do with
combat as odds are a normal party will greatly benefit
from these since no one takes them. Diplomacy,
Sense Motive, and even Bluff all work with the obvious
high Cha stat to make the Bard good at what he should
be, interaction with NPC's. The ability to talk
himself out of a tricky situation or knowing if the
party is being sent on a wild goose chase helps quite a
bit. You mentioned using skill points to learn
languages early and I agree, although you do need 3
ranks in Perform to Inspire Courage.. not 1. Perform
is just a given. Listen is also nice as you don't
want your Bard getting snuck up on too often. I
also think Climb is worthy as an archer likes to scurry
up a tree to get out of harms way. Sniping the
enemy from above is always a good idea if possible.
(of course move silently and hide would be nice to stay
out of trouble as well... the 28 point buy makes it
tough to get everything you want tho. Again I'd go
32 point... but we're building a RPGA character here so
we gotta stick to the rules.)
Speaking of RPGA rules... we only have 160 GP at first
level. Pretty limiting since a Longbow costs 100
GP right off the top. (Longbow being the
"free" martial weapon I'd pick.) Morningstar
would make for a nice melee weapon as it is 1d8 damage
and does blunt AND pierce damage. May as well use
a Buckler, I'd also like Chain Shirt but it's too
expensive for now so Studded Leather will have to do at
first level. I thought about Scale Mail but it's
2x as expensive with 10% higher spell failure and slows
your movement down by 10 feet. That leaves us with
enough money to buy any equipment that ain't fancy.
Caltrops could be quite cool combo'd with an
OK, so we've got a STRAIGHT Bard Archer with a fast
talking nature and decent equipment.
Deciding on Race was hard. Elves are so cool for a
number of reasons. Bonus Language is cool. Low
Light vision and only 4 hours "sleep" makes
for an excellent night watchman. Not having to
prepare spells means the Bard can stand guard the
majority of the nite letting everyone else get their
needed rest. Bonus to Listen Search and Spot is
like a "super" feat as they are all good
skills, and Secret Door Detection is very nice as well.
Being proficient with Longsword is worth noting,
not to mention Immunity to Sleep and +2 save vs.
Enchantments. Getting a 16 Dex score and only
paying 6 points for it kicks hind end too!
(I'm adding this after I finished the article. After
thinking about it this character SHOULD go for Arcane
Archer... which requires our Bard to be Elven. The
Arcane Archer gives a boost in HD as well as Fort saves
and BAB. Same amount of Skills as the Bard with a
few new ones that are really good like Spot. All
this and a KILLER progression of special abilities.
By 8th level when you'd think about taking Arcane
Archer, you've already got most of the benefit out of
being a Bard and are prolly looking at Prestige Classes
Having said all that... I still think the human is beter
in this case. Not getting Precise Shot 'till 3rd
level for an Archer character sucks. With a Human
you can have Rapid Shot by 3rd level! The bonus
skills are nice too as we have a long list of quality
skills to choose from. While Low Light is nice for
sneaking, Bards get the cantrip Light so there won't be
too many instances where a Human will be stuck in the
dark (this also kinda makes Hide not as good a skill
since it's hard to be sneaky holding a light source.
I guess it's tough to be Moving Silently and
Singing at the same time as well... both good arguements
for not needing these skills right away.)
OK, now my thoughts on spells. I think early on
the Bard should wear armor. At some point around
4-8th level this will prolly change due to Mage Armor or
Bracers or something. This then limits the Bards
spellcasting in combat due to the Armor Spell Failure.
Again, this opens up some underused spells to the
Bard that normally won't get picked since they aren't
useful in combat. I'd take Cure Light Wounds right
away... even with a Cleric present in your party. In
early levels healing is very valuable and since healing
is done USUALLY out of combat there's no risk of spell
failure (even is the DM was a real stickler... you can
always take the armor off while out of combat). Alarm
is a cool spell, especially for RPGA events as both our
campsites got raided in the night and caught half the
party asleep. Identify becomes valuable in both
early and late levels. Other cools spells would be
Mage Armor, Feather Fall, and Charm Person for later
levels when your n
Second level spells I like are Mirror Image cause it's
got a decent duration. See Invisibility is cool along
with Detect Thoughts. Cure Mod is a possibility if
there isn't a Cleric in the party but only if that's the
By the time you're at third level Arcane Spell Failure
won't be an issue hopefully so you can take advantage of
some SERIOUS combat related spells. Charm Monster,
Confusion, Haste, Slow, Gaseous Form are all options.
Ok, so spellcasting becomes important at that point...
which means really you'll want a 16 in Cha for the extra
spell. Puting the bonus stat in Cha at level 4 means
you'll need a 15 Cha at first level. Aside from
that, I think I favor Con over Str for this character
for the extra Fort save (a big weakness to the
character, this guy CANNOT get into melee as Poison will
rip him apart) and the extra HP help as well. So
here's the final stats...
Human Bard Level 1
HP: 8
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30'
BAB: 0
AC: 16 (+3 Studded leather, +1 Buckler, +2 Dex)
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha
Skills: Diplomacy 4, Sense Motive 4, Listen 4, Perform
3, Climb 3, Speak Lang. 2
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven
Equipment: Morningstar, Longbow, 20 Arrows,
Studded Leather, Buckler, Backpack, 50' hemp rope and
Grappling Hook, 2 days rations and waterskin, Bedroll,
Caltrops, 3 torches and Flint & Steel.
The cool thing is that the Bard is so flexible... he can
actually change his specialties and abilities as the
rest of the party needs him to! Jack of All Trades
is an uderstatement. There is a huge list of Feats
down the road that will work well with the bard. Extra
Slot and Extra Spell from Tome and Blood at later levels
could make the Bard a much beter mage if needed. Feats
like Shot on the Run would allow an Archer to run from
behind cover, shoot, and then move back behind the cover
EVERY TURN! (reguires Dodge and Mobility as pre-req
tho) Rapid Shot and Improved Crit would prolly be
beter choices for feats than Dodge and Mobility. And
if you don't need to focus on Mage or Fighting
abilities... there's always Improved Init, Skill Focus
and Great Fortitude not to mention Item Creation!.
Also, at higher levels there will come a point
where you'll be able to get ranks in ALL those skills
you like. There are very few skills were you HAVE
to max them out
This is the Bard I would built, but really there is no
right answer as far as "what's the right way to
build a Bard". Alot of it has to do with the
party the individual Bard is traveling with. (This
is why I like our Campaigns so much more than going to
the there RPGA events... you never know who you will be
playing with. Of course, if you went with a bunch
of your friends they will let you all play together!)
Oh, lastly I'd name him Whistler. That gives you
an idea to his mode of music as well! =)
PS I've thought about the Extra Music feat you
mentioned from Song and Silence. While prolly
usefull at first level, this feat will most likely never
be needed after that. I guess I just don't value
the Bardic Song abilities all that much, but even if you
do... are you really gonna sing 9 times a day when
you're level 5?