
- Subject:
mahamoti burn by justin greenslate
designed a blue red deck that could win a lot of
tournaments with speed and control
creatures 5
2 mahamoti djinns
3 flametongue kavus
spells 31
3 urzas rages
4 prophetic bolt
4 counterspells
3 repulses
4 fact or fictions
4 aether burst
3 opts
4 fire ice
1 exclude
lands 24
11 islands
9 mountains
4 shivan reefs
well there it is i need to play it a couple of times but
i made it and its pretty good
ive been messin with it but i like it
the mahamotis are there for big creatures and the win
the flametoungues to take care of creatures
and all the other spells are there to take care of
creatures and win
has the framework here for a fun yet powerful
Counter-Burn deck! I'll just make a few comments
and tweaks here and there to try and help him out.
Aether Burst is a sleeper hit from Odyssey for 2
reasons: It kills Elephant tokens DEAD and makes
Flametongue bounce! Abusing 187 affects is good...
don't forget about damage on the stack.
To give the deck some more counter support, I added
Syncopate to my version of Justin's deck because it's
easy to use requiring only one blue mana and because it
does wonders versus opposing Flashback spells. With
everyone rushing to abuse Call of the Herd... this deck
is looking to be a very good match-up against it!
I removed just one Prophetic Bolt and upped the Opt
count to four, I think this will help ensure the deck
runs smoothly since it has only 24 lands. These
cards along with the card drawing of Fact or Fiction
will ensure this deck can keep up with just about
anything the opponent can throw at it! I also
switched Fire/Ice with Firebolt after thinking long and
hard. I like Firebolt costing just one mana so it
can deal Immediately with Birds and Elves. Later
on in the game Firebolt's flashback gives the deck yet
another means of card advantage.
Here's my version =)
4 Flametongue Kavu
2 Mahamoti Djinn
4 Counterspell
4 Syncopate
4 Firebolt
4 Aether Burst
3 Urza's Rage
3 Prophetic Bolt
4 Opt
4 Fact or Fiction
Shivan Reef
13 Islands
7 Mountains
One final thought: a card from Odyssey that I
think is better than Mahamoti is Amugaba. For just
one colorless more you get an additional point of damage
and a built in "Blinky" effect!
Hope this helps... have fun!
Aaron Teare