- Hey,
I made this deck for OBC tournaments and yet it doesn't
do to well.
Here's my deck
4x Wild Mongrel
4x Basking Rootwalla
3x Nimble Mongoose
3x Wonder
3x Quiet Speculation
4x Roar of the Wurm
4x Aether Burst
3x Deep Analysis
4x Careful Study
2x Compulsion
3x Circular Logic
1x Upheaval
11x Forest
8x Island
2x Cephalid Coluseum
1x Centaur Gardens
2x Spellbane Centur
2x Krosan Reclamation
2x Squirel's Nest
1x Seedtime
1x Groundseel
2x Phantom Centaur
3x Enelop
2x Ray of Revelation
Thx, Richard.
I have to apologize for my lack of deck fixes lately.
Besides the fact my wife is pregnant with our first
child, OBC kinda sucks. Just my opinion really, I
just haven't found it all the fun or diverse of a set
when playing constructed. With all the other stuff
going on in my life I guess it's just bad timing as OBC
hasn't done much to keep me interested in playing Magic.
Anyway, Richard here has a carbon copy Quiet Roar deck
that is quite good actually and can just plain win
versus anything given the right draw. (It's also
very cheap to build as there's a suprising lack of rares
in it) I prefer taking OUT the Threshold aspect of
the deck as I feel it is the weakest mechanic of Odyssey
Block. Madness and Flashback are much easier to
use, attaining Threshold can often be a painstaking
task... especially when your opponent tries to gum up
the process with cards like Krosan Reclamation,
Morningtide, and Coffin Purge. (It is really a sad
state IMO when graveyard removal is more plentiful the
creature removal)
After taking out the Threshold, here's what I like to
run in my Quiet Roar.
4 Basking Rootwalla
4 Wild Mongrel
4 Aquamoeba
4 Arrogant Wurm
4 Roar of the Wurm
3 Wonder
4 Aether Burst
3 Quiet Speculation
4 Syncopate
1 Deep Analysis
1 Moments Peace
1 Krosan Reclamation
11 Islands
10 Forests
2 Centaur Gardens
Syncopate is prolly the thing that raised your eyebrows
more than anything. I've had much more success
with Syncopate over Circular Logic as it CAN be a
counter on turn 2 (although that's RARELY needed) and
doesn't have to worry about enemy graveyard removal like
Circular Logic does. Syncopate also has the added
benefit of removing from game the stuff it counters...
always a nice bonus!
Careful Study is in most Quiet Roar builds to accelerate
Threshold (as well as give you something to do on turn
1). With Threshold almost completely gone in my
version Careful Study looks much less impressive and
gets dumped for Aquamoeba. Consistent turn 3
Arrogant Wurms are especially nice thanks to this
"Aqua-dog". Combined with Wonder in the
grave Aquamoeba alone is a beatstick!!
I really like the setup of 1 Analysis, 1 Moments Peace,
and 1 Krosan Reclamation. I never mind actually
drawing any of these cards as they're all good against
the metagame, and in a pinch I can Tudor to any of them.
While tudoring to 3 Deep Analysis seems cool in
theory... I rarely ever got a chance to use them all.
This deck is aggressive and doesn't have time to bother
drawing extra cards (as crazy as that sounds... it is
true!) I really like the ability to use Quiet
Speculation to go for 2 Roar's and 1 Deep Analysis on
turn 2 as the turn 3 Analysis will ensure I have the
mana on turn 4 to start pumping out 6/6 tokens.
Krosan Reclamation is there to support Syncopate in the
graveyard removal department. Moments Peace is a
serious bomb when you're in a beatdown race!
(again I hate to be negative, but what the hell is up
with Magic when a "fog" effect is
Hope this helps... have fun!