
- I
have been working on this deck for a while now and I
wanted to get a professionals opinion on it before I
take it to my first tournament ever, the JSS. I know it needs
to be tweaked a bit. Please help me out.. Deck list is
below. Description follows.
4 stone rain
4 pillage
4 earth rift
4 tremble
3 dwarven landslide
3 epicenter
4 terravore
4 llanowar elves
2 birds of paradise (all i have)
4 firebolt
4 earthquake
4 karplusan forest
6 forest
11 mountain
3 price of glory
3 hull breach
3 wildfire
3 kavu chameleon
3 ghitu fire
This deck is supposed to start with a bird or llanowar
elf on first turn. Then on second turn I start using
land destruction looking the opponent down. Ater some
time I put into paly a terravore whch ends up being
relativley big from all the lands in the graveyard.
Through in an epicenter and you hve your self a big
beasty (usualy between 20-30/20-30) that will trample
anything. The thing is I am going to the JSS this
weekend and I do not want to go and get spanked so I
decided to get some prefossional help. This will be my
first tournment ever. I have made a sideboard but it
looks kinda sorry because it is the first sideboard I
have ever made and i put it together today. Please help
me out. Thank you very much.
I see 2 things I'd tweak to make this deck
immediately improved.
1st off is addressing roads to victory, or in this case
the lack of. While Terravore can get huge quick,
it can be easily dealt with by a number of removal
spells. Wild Mongrel makes for a great addition to
the deck. Not only is the Mongrel one of the best
Green creatures ever printed, it also helps the deck in
several ways. Mongrel allows you to pitch extra
lands to the graveyard to beef up Terravore in a hurry.
Pulling this off at instant speed can really screw
up an opponents math if trying to kill the Terravore
with damage! Also Mongrel helps you achieve
Threshold much faster making Epicenter much closer to Armageddon
than just an expensive Stone Rain. All this and
Mongrel while Mongrel beats down at the same time!
The other issue to address is the choice of LD. Lava
Blister seems to me to be the best LD available in
Standard currently. With so many non-basic lands
available and all the multicolor decks currently played
Lava Blister is gonna cause opponents problems. Worst
case it can always be pitched to Wild Mongrel if you
know the opponents running no non-basics! Don't
worry if the opponent pays 6 life to counter the LD...
it'll just make your Earthquake a finisher as well as a
Here's my proposed decklist:
4 Terravore
4 Wild Mongrel
3 Flametongue Kavu
4 Stone Rain
4 Pillage
4 Lava Blister
3 Epicenter
4 Firebolt
4 Earthquake
4 Birds of Paradise (get them, they help cast Pillage
and avoid Earthquake!)
4 Karplusan Forest
6 Forests
12 Mountains
I especially like the addition of Earthquake. Weenie
decks are just as popular as ever and have traditionally
given LD decks problems since by definition weenies
require very little mana to cast.
Since you listed your Sideboard, you may want to include
the new Overmaster from Torment. This cheap
cantrip is excellent versus opponents running counters.
Counterspell decks are another deck type that
traditionally have given LD headaches..
Hope this helps... have fun!